Can't find any reviews on the m250, has anyone owned/tried these, particularly with Marantz PM-KI pearl lite amp?
I saw boston acoustics partnered with marantz in a review of one make systems (can't find it now but think that was pm/cd6004 & a26). These M250 cost £1,300 in superfi but there's some on eBay for less than £800 including postage from Italy. Ken Ishiwata was involved in the design so they should be good partners for marantz gear.
Would they be a big step up in quality from the MA RS6?
I saw boston acoustics partnered with marantz in a review of one make systems (can't find it now but think that was pm/cd6004 & a26). These M250 cost £1,300 in superfi but there's some on eBay for less than £800 including postage from Italy. Ken Ishiwata was involved in the design so they should be good partners for marantz gear.
Would they be a big step up in quality from the MA RS6?