Anyone had any itunes 8.1 problems!?


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Aug 10, 2019
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To be honest i should know better but when i was updating my mbp the other day i downloaded the itunes update which i dont normally do early on! Ever since ive had quite a few problems with it running very slow etc and when changing some artwork earlier the screen completely changed colour and i could just about read the meassage that itunes had unexpectedly quit then it crashed anyway ill stop going on! I was just wondering if anyone else had updated had any problems? Guessing ill have to wait until the weekend now and uninstall!


Well-known member
Flairdj, have a look here on the Apple forum for suggestions. It would appear that you are not alone. I am resisting the temptation to change as there does not appear to be much to the upgrade.


Thanks. I would never normally upgrade as i say, it was more just saw the updates clicked ok and didnt engage brain until after! Too many hours in front of a computer i think!


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Jun 2, 2008
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I just downloaded 8.1.1 an hour ago after seeing this thread. (To see what was going on.)

All fine here.

I always download as soon as new versions come along. Three machines - 1 PC, 1 laptop, 1 iMac - and three different people's iTunes. Too much hassle to not keep them all up to date. Never had a problem on any of them with any version since we started using iTunes years ago.


have you tried repairing permissions in disk utility? Or boot into safe mode and then restarting normally, this sometimes cures post update problems.


Try Songbird, install it, add the Ipod app and never go near Itunes again.


Well-known member
My wife decided to install 8.1 for me whilst borrowing the laptop and so far no problems. Had a look at Songbird and it looks very familiar.........................



Well-known member
I manually add music to my iPod (cos I don't keep the stuff on my pc), but I painfully notice you can add only one playlist at a time, or am I being stupid?

Surely if I've ripped, say 3 cds, created the playlists for all there's some way to load the whole lot on the iPod in one go?

John Duncan

Well-known member
idc:I had a little look around the Apple site but I could not find anything that version 8 does that version 7 doesn't.

I said at the time that the default import rate changing to 256 was touted as a major feature, which smacks of them not having much nice to say about it. The Genius feature is new (and is alright I suppose).

John Duncan

Well-known member
I manually add music to my iPod (cos I don't keep the stuff on my pc), but I painfully notice you can add only one playlist at a time, or am I being stupid?

Surely if I've ripped, say 3 cds, created the playlists for all there's some way to load the whole lot on the iPod in one go?

I'd have a look for you, but I'd have to sync my iPod with my laptop, which has nothing of note on it.

But wouldn't you be better syncing with playlists instead of manually? You can tick as many as you like...