Thanks for the advice everyone, it looks like changing the speakers first could be a wise
move (closely followed by an amp?), although I haven't made my mind up yet, there are so many
fantastic speakers on the market these days, it's going to be a tough job making my choice,
but that's part of the enjoyment of buying hi-fi isn't it?
I'm looking to improve the level of detail, I've been thinking for some time that perhaps my
system was hiding something from me, I wouldn't go so far as to say that the midrange is
muddled, but I would like some improvement. I've been borrowing a pair of original AE1s
recently which do reveal a bit more detail than my ES11s, and it was this that sparked my
interest in upgrading.
I was interested to see what drummerman had to say about the fella who sold his Eposes then
regretted it, I'd better choose carefully, or even take them along to compare at auditions.
Incidently, I heard a Myryad amp a couple of years back, sounded fab, they seem to be a bit
underrated for some reason, which beats me.
I'd also be intrigued to hear what an external DAC can do for me, I've never considered
adding one of these but it could extend the life of my (rather elderly) Arcam, any idea how
much it would cost for a worthwhile upgrade? I don't think I've ever seen any advertised.