another one thinking of a phono amp


New member
Apr 28, 2008
Just looking to make the last few tweaks to my system and thinking that replacing the NADPP1 might be a good idea. Is the Nad PP2 much of an improvement? or is there better available for a similar price ( or cheaper )? Since upgrading my speakers I've found the vinyl sounds a bit disappointing compared to cd, lack of bass fairly flat sound. Cartridge is a Goldring 1006 which is fairly new.
You have a nice system and your speakers may be punching above their weight regarding your vinyl system, dont get me wrong i prefer vinyl to CD's but the Nad is quite bright anyway and with the Cyrus amp would be quite forward sounding with the MA speakers so a bit flat sounding is a bit of a mystery as the Goldring is a nice warm sounding cartridge, maybe thats what your hearing a more warm sounding sound so to speak, as the Goldring is quite new you may want to give it a couple of weeks to bed in, i would not upgrade to a better phono stage, just give it a bit of time with the cartridge you have and enjoy the music.


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