Another integrated amp query


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2007
Advice wanted learned friends.

My nephew started his hifi expedition a little while ago.
His first system was well balanced and consisted of:
Project turntable with Ortofon Red MM cart
Cambridge Audio CX A60 integrated amp
KEF R3 speakers.

When my dad (and hifi buddy) died, I was keen that my nephew inherited some of his hifi.
My nephew now has:
Linn LP12 with arkiv MC cart
Cyrus signature phono stage with power supply
Cyrus CD player with power supply.

Clearly the amp, though good, is now well out of its depth , but the speakers still have plenty to give.
I've explained that my nephew ought to budget for around £2k to balance the system.
My thoughts were to consider Cyrus amps, with either a pre (pre2 dac) power (x power) combo (slightly over budget) , or maybe the Cyrus 8 QXR integrated. I'm presuming the power supply from the cd player could be swapped and connected to this?
I'm always impressed with bel canto and considered their e.One C5i.
Naim may also be a consideration.

Any ideas?
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Whatever he does I would suggest leaving the power supply on the CD player
To my mind it is source equipment that best improves with a decent power supply rather than amplifiers themselves, particularly noticeable with Phono preamps.
It's really the only thing that can honestly say made a noticeable improvement to sound, that's when I upgraded the power supply to my Tom Evans Groove phono preamp......
Tried it once with my Oppo universal player but here never could discern any improvement no matter what the advertising blurb said.
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I also note that the Arkiv cartridge is a fairly low output moving coil design, its probably old and isn't going to work well without a decent phono preamp. Probably best replaced with a decent moving magnet design, in my humble opinion.
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I also note that the Arkiv cartridge is a fairly low output moving coil design, its probably old and isn't going to work well without a decent phono preamp. Probably best replaced with a decent moving magnet design, in my humble opinion.
The arkiv is getting on a bit but is relatively low use.
The Cyrus phono stage is doing it's job fine and amplifies the cart well.
I'm really interested in what way to go with an amp.
Go with Cyrus for synergy with the phono stage feels like one way to go, but not sure whether to go pre power or integrated.
If integrated is a contender, that brings bel canto into the equation.
The arkiv is getting on a bit but is relatively low use.
The Cyrus phono stage is doing it's job fine and amplifies the cart well.
I'm really interested in what way to go with an amp.
Go with Cyrus for synergy with the phono stage feels like one way to go, but not sure whether to go pre power or integrated.
If integrated is a contender, that brings bel canto into the equation.
Apologies, missed the fact you had that phono stage. As you say it can come down to synergy in an all Cyrus setup but this might not be the best solution. I think you're going to have to audition.
Obviously the Cyrus one of two box all is going to depend on budget.
Personally I would not go pre and power unless you have the funds and then only if you could go pre plus two mono power amps
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Any other thoughts on this one folks?
I’m not too familiar with the current Cyrus models, but mostly folks describe them as on the bright side. For £2000 I’d be looking at Hegel, Marantz, Rega Exposure or Primare. Each has a different character, which he’d ideally need to hear in his system. The KEFs are very nice speakers, deserving of good stands.

Some dealers are offering home trials during the lockdown.
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Check out the Naim XS2. A Rega Elicit would probably also match well with the KEFs. IF you have Ayre integrateds in your part of the world, that would probably be the best match. The Ayre's smoothness will be a good match with the KEF's "liveliness".
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