Charlie Jefferson:plastic penguin:
Charlie Jefferson:JoelSim:Aha, good. Don't like leaving things on. Joel, what's your thoughts on the Tucana compared to your old Arcams? That's if you can make your mind and ears go back that far. I've just gone from an A85/P90 combo to the Roksans listed below, and I'm really impressed by them. Still struggling to quantify the "differences" and by how many % points, but for now I'll just continue to listen and enjoy.
Sorry for over-simplifying the issue, but surely you've answered your own question by saying: "...I'm really impressed by them." Trying to dissect and analyse the your bundles is missing the spirit of upgrades. That's the enjoyment. The only relevent question is: "Is it worthwhile...?"
You're right, PP, but I sometimes feel the need to somehow qualify and quantify. Then again, in my day job I often trot out the maxim, "not everything of worth is measurable", so maybe I'm stuck between the two. Relativism versus absolutism.
Granted. If everyone had the same attitude as me no doubt the forum would grind to a sad halt. However, that said, I do believe you can analyse the technical aspect too much and over cook the issue. This ultimately results in confusion as opposed to resolution.
For me: Room size/acoustics + amp wattage + speaker db = lots of demos + I rely heavily on the big flappy things on the side of my head. Once my ears smile then it's right... for something completely different...