Amplifier or receiver (used or new, 150$) for B&W 601 S2 + XTZ W10.16 Sub?


New member
Jul 10, 2016
Hi good people,

I know nothing about audio equipment, but have just bought upon recommendation, a Samsung SUHD TV along with B&W 601 S2 speakers and XTZ W10.16 sub. I got everything at a bargain price, and have a very limited budget left for an amplifier or receiver. I do not plan to upgrade my audio setup any further, and will stick to 2.1 format.

I have been recommended the NAD C320BEE if I can get it used for 120 dollars or less. Yet, I wonder if this is the absolutely best choice in terms of audio quality, within my budget of 150 USD. Used or new. I see that the NAD is very old (>10 years), and furthermore it only supports 2.0? I know as mentioned, nothing about evolution in AV equipment, so please help me out!
Welcome! It is tricky to access US dollar prices in the UK, especially used prices. I'd have thought an "open box' or used AV receiver would give you an easier set up. There are ways to feed your sub from a stereo amp, but you also need to handle the TV as your source - or are you watching DVDs/bluray only? A big, old, AV amp could give good results.

Make sure whatever you choose has the right inputs and outputs. If you are hdmi you don't want scart!
Clueless as I am, I had failed to notice that What HiFi was British, and that we were dealing in British currency here. If anything, it helps me, as I am not an American citizen, and the British prices are closer to those in my pond. So let's say around 100 pounds then. 🙂

Yes, I want to use the speakers for my TV. Satellite TV, NetFlix, Spotify, movies through laptop... but not DVDs or BluRays! Is it an AV amp I need then? Any recommendations for my price point? Subwoofer is RCA, and speakers is uh.. wired (copper??).
You'd need a budget of at least £250 for anything new. How do you plan to connect your laptop for movies? Not many amps will accept a laptop usb feed, but you could cast to the TV, either with a suitable app (I'm not up to date on what the TV might have) or via a Chromecast.

I think a NAD D3020 hifi amp would do the job, but that's a new model and £399. It is rare in that it has a sub output and can take a laptop directly.

Doubtless others will have some better ideas.


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