Amplifier Dilema


New member
Feb 5, 2014
Hi there, this is my first post!

I have amplifier dilema i need advice on.

I have a Pioneer A-A6 amp. It's a lovely amp and I like the sound.

However, I recently picked up a minty mint Audiolab 8000a from an old boy who had treasured it (He had an aladins cave of topline vintage audio equipment). Due to the excellent condition, an engineers report and all the connectors at the back being in A1 condition I paid the asking price of £150.

So, I put my Pioneer on gumtree for £100 and no response. Three weeks later and some offers of not more than £60 I'm in a quandry.

I realise that the A6 is a quality, but unpopular amp, which is very rare, hence low offers. Does the time of year (Early Feb) have anything to do with this or are they simply very good but virtually worthless equipment. Is it's lack of popularity the reason for it's low value or are there other factors at work here?

If it's only worth £60 I'll hang on, as I doubt I'll be able to get an equivilant spare amp for the money. Question is, is this the only course of action availble?

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

Hi , and welcome to the forum .

In your situation I would use the amp you prefer the sound of and keep the other for a spare or maybe a second system 🙂
Agreed, just hang onto it. For the price of a handful of CDs you'll have a second, quite capable amp, as a backup, future bedroom system, something you can lt a friend borrow in time of need, something to setup in the garden for a party, etc. For 60 quid you can't even build a decent 5W chip amp.
An amplifier like anything else is only worth what the market is willing to pay for it, keep it as a spare.............


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