Amp upgrade and first home demo?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all,

I am considering the following to upgrade my amp: Roksan Kandy K2, Cyrus 8XPd, Naim 5i-2

I have bought a pair of 685s with my local 7oaks, and would like to home demo first the Roksan, then the Cyrus (when it's in stores), unfortunately they don't stock Naim 🙁

My question is how do I go about getting a home demo? How does it work? Might they say no etc?

I just think that it's a lot easier for them and me, no point in their listing rooms...
You're definitely going to have to ask otherwise I think they might have you up for theft

Seriously though, I would arrange to listen in their listening rooms first (this shows you are serious) and then ask if you can have it on a few days trial at home. Normally you pay for the unit on the understanding you can bring it back for a refund if you're not happy. They can of course say no, but if you're a cash buyer in these times, you may well be able to persuade them into it, as long as you can demonstrate to them that you're not just messing them around.

Certainly worked for me that way last time I did a home trial.
Oh so you just buy it. Hmm.

That hardly much of a service, I thought they might swipe your card to charge it incase you didn't come back with it!

So it's like everything, I wouldn't ask for a home demo on a pair of jeans, i'd buy em and if I didn't like em get a refund!

It usually helps if they are a dealer you go to often. The dealer I used to buy my HiFi from would always let me try whatever I wanted at home with no charge taken. (I guess I had built up a level of trust) If I wanted to keep the item I went back and paid for it and if not I just took it back.


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