Amp suggestions for Dynaudio Emit M10s anyone?


New member
Mar 13, 2014
Hi there,

I bought some M10's at the the beginning of the summer. I'm currently using an old Pioneer A400X with them and to be fair they sound blummin brilliant. Such a clear/revealing combination, with great bass, but not too much. However it can get a little fatiguing on the old ears, especially due to me having a bit of tinitus. Anyway, I can put up with the tinitus. I'm using various digital sources at the moment. iPad with Cambirdge Audio Jack to RCA, MacPro, with and without an iFi nano iDSD DAC using a good interconnect, optical cable from my TV to a DAC. I'm also using AudioQuest FLX/SLiP 14/4 Speaker Cable. Hopefully after an amp I aim to get a turntable, not sure what yet, I'm having internal arguments about that, as I sold some very good nick SL1210s a few years ago and have regretted it ever since. I'm not chaging speakers, I am very happy with these. Any suggestions on amp? I'm thinking Naim Nait 5si, Rega Brio or Elex-R (is this overkill for these speakers), Arcam A19, or the new Cyrus One, just down to the options for inputs that it includes and the small form factor. I would be very interetsed to hear your opinions.

Cheers, Jamie
Hi Jamie,

I wouldn't be surprised by the lack of replies. You're asking a very specific question ....that said I'd also be interested as I'm considering purchasing some emit m10s and I'm glad to read about your positive feedback. As for the amp, I've heard the Rega Elex-R and it does sound great, good style as well. I demo'd it in a pair of B&ws That said I'm waiting for the Naim atom to be released as Im keen to have streaming.
Guess I'm going to have to demo some amps then. When I bought the speakers the amp was a Brio R. They sounded good, I'd like to compare that with my Pioneer and see if the sound can be improved further. Will be great finding out
I use a Maranttz PM8005 and Supra classic 6.0 speaker cable

If the sound is a bit bright mabye try some supra classic 6.0 or ply 3.4 which are a bit more neutral sounding than classic 6.0 speaker cable. I do how ever prefer classic 6.0 because of the more open sound it has

Update i so what speaker cable you currently use, i can't recommend the Audioquest FLX SLIP 14/4 theres something about the top i don't like, i quiet honestly don't know why so many forums,places like whathifi reward it as the best cable or good buy, have tried it 2 times (one blue and later white cable so it wasn't 100% the same, although i guess there wasn't any difference in the sound) it's not a bad cable i just don't like the top, it sounds a bit agressive,metallic mabye also a bit bright
No direct experience of the M10, but have had the Excite X12 and currently the Focus 160. If the M10 follows the theme of my two, then they like power, need plenty of time to break in and give their best, but reward with a beautiful midrange and defined bass. I updated my amplifier and was rewarded with more bass response and control. Therefore, I would hope that you will find that they step up to the mark as you move up through the amplifier ratings.
What amplifier do you update? If you don't mind me asking 🙂 I guess just test some out. Just always feel guilty putting the audio shop guys through a load of work then not buying anything! 🙂
I am a fan of Naim, and it was a simple power amplifier upgrade. From your post, you need an integrated amplifier and so my experience is not a straight read across.


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