Amp recommendations - New or Secondhand?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all. First time poster, so please be gentle!

I'm looking at getting a new amp, and I wondered whether a new one would be better than a good secondhand one from yesteryear?

I have a budget of around £300, and have been looking at a Cambridge Audio one in Richer Sounds. But I wondered if one from the 80's/90's would be any good (one that was a few thousand back then?). Do amps deteriorate much with age?

I have limited needs, I basically want to connect up my iphone and play my music - Soft rock is really my type. But I do like a good bass, especially at low volume. I realise the quality will be limited due to the iphone compression, but I accept this.

I also haven't bought speakers yet. I have a pair of Keff Q7 floor speakers, but they're a bit big and I was going to change them for some good shelf speakers, so any recommendations for these also would be great. Again I have no problem with second hand.
For low volume use I would highly recommend the Marantz PM6003 or the Yamaha A-S500. Both work very well at all volumes and manage to maintain good tonal performance and bass even at low levels. I usually find the Cambridge amps need turning up a bit before you start to get the fullness of sound.

NADs also tend to be very good at low volume levels, and a pre-owned C370 would be a good buy.

You might find you want to upgrade your source in the end though.
If you go back further your budget would get you a Sansui 17 series amp. I have both the AU-217 and the AU-717 and both excel, the latter especially. Even on the lowest volume setting the 717 delivers a full and musical bass. In short it's an amp you'd need to spend about £1000 at least to improve on brand new. They don't come up often but worth chasing when they do. Expect to pay £200 for the amp and allow £100 for a service.

Hi all. First time poster, so please be gentle!

I'm looking at getting a new amp, and I wondered whether a new one would be better than a good secondhand one from yesteryear?

I have a budget of around £300, and have been looking at a Cambridge Audio one in Richer Sounds. But I wondered if one from the 80's/90's would be any good (one that was a few thousand back then?). Do amps deteriorate much with age?

I have limited needs, I basically want to connect up my iphone and play my music - Soft rock is really my type. But I do like a good bass, especially at low volume. I realise the quality will be limited due to the iphone compression, but I accept this.

I also haven't bought speakers yet. I have a pair of Keff Q7 floor speakers, but they're a bit big and I was going to change them for some good shelf speakers, so any recommendations for these also would be great. Again I have no problem with second hand.

I would be looking at s/hand Arcam and MA speakers, although to have the desired effect you may have to creep over your stated budget. Start the search with Arcam Alpha 7R and MA RS1 speakers. Alternatively, look at Rotel RA-01 and B&W 601 speakers.

The two alternatives should fill most, if not all, of your criterior.
Can someone explain if I need a power or integral amplifier? Thanks