alternatives to a Brennan JB7

Sorry about that, don't know what happened there. Anyway here goes:

I'm looking for a genuine alternative to a Brennan JB7. I know it's sound is OK (not great) but at least it has a built in amp and hard disk. I've been looking at the NaimUniti 2 All-in-one Player, but this has no built in hard drive so I have to use an external nas. Therefore, to me this is not an all in one system. I've looked at the arcam neo and the same thing applies. I understand that Sony have brought out a new machine (HAP-Z1ES, Hi res audio player) but no CD player/ripper! I've also looked at the Olive 4HD, seemed to have everything but wait a built in amp. Is there anyone out there making a quality device which can actually do the same as a Brennan, that can also be used to stream music to with at least an 80 watt built in amp. I know about the cocktail audio x30, which so far hasn't been reviewed much, (though there was a review on a Dutch site which was really not good at all), and it's only 60 Watts of power. I need the machine to produce enough power to run a pair of B&W &83's.

Anyone know of any such a device please let me know.

Oh, one last thing I am not going to be using a computer at all, so NO on that idea.
Why not plug an external HDD into a Uniti's rear USB socket? I know that, strictly speaking, it is not a 'one-box-solution' anymore, but a decent HDD is pretty small and unobtrusive, and they are cheap as chips nowadays. Just a thought...
Thanks for your reply but it's still the case that I'd have to rip all my CD's to a computer then transfer them to a nas. I really want to avoid using a computer for my music, it's just another long process when all I want to do is put the CD's into a device with storage and play them randomley. I'm going to keep looking anyway.

Thanks again.
A bit on the pricey side but it's the 2x32 Watts that I'm not sure of. This will have to drive a pair of B&W 683's which are known for needing a bit of power. I'm using a NAD C356BEE at the moment which is rated 80 watts and I'm just not sure the Olive will be enough. I was really looking for something around the 100-150 watt bracket.

Thanks for you suggestion. The Olive products look very interresting.
Viking said:
A bit on the pricey side but it's the 2x32 Watts that I'm not sure of. This will have to drive a pair of B&W 683's which are known for needing a bit of power. I'm using a NAD C356BEE at the moment which is rated 80 watts and I'm just not sure the Olive will be enough. I was really looking for something around the 100-150 watt bracket.

Thanks for you suggestion. The Olive products look very interresting.

For your requirements either a 3HD or a 4HD would be my choice depending on budget.

No amplifier section on either, so my solution would be to run a pair of active loudspeakers to keep things simple.

If you want to keep your B&Ws you can just get a simple power amplifier and just hide it away, I doubt you are going to find any streaming solution with an amplifier of the power you want.
bigboss said:
Why not Brennan then? You could always add a DAC to improve audio quality if you're not happy with sound.

The Brennan has no digital out, so that's not possible.

This is why the OP is looking for an alternative in the first place... 🙂
Thanks davedotco for the suggestions. You could just be right with the power amp as I really do want to keep the B&W's. I think they're a really nice speaker. The Brennan only plays files in mp3 which I think is why the sound quality is just OK and not the greatest. The Nad I'm using seems to be pretty good as well so I think the weak link is the Brennan, which is why I'm trying to find something to upgrade to. Maybe the answer is something that either doesn't have a built in amp or one that is of low watts which can be pypassed in order to keep the Nad driving the B&W's. I'll keep looking.

Thanks again
I have owned a Brennan JB7 since mid 2010 and must say although I like the specification this has been the most unreliable piece of electronics I have ever purchased. I purchased my first hi-fi in the 1960s.

I do not mind ripping to my PC and use XLD to obtain a lossless copy. Not unhappy with loading these to a Memory Stick to copy onto a system that as well as having good storage capacity has a reasonable hifi Amp that can drive my Bose speakers. A reliable product with a similar spec. to Brennan, but with high reliability and the facility to reorder the data-base would suit. Streaming directly from PC to hi-fi unit would be a bonus, but not vital. Any suggestions as my JB7 is knackered again.

As I am an OAP and my hearing is no longer sharp I do not need to spend £thousands on tip ytop hi-fi.


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