At one time I had a Phase Linear 400, measured at 273 watts at 1kHz (sinewave), one channel driven.
I used them to drive Spendor BC1, rated at 30 watts and notoriously easy to blow up due to their rather low sensitivity.
I played the song Bad Company, (side 2, track 1 on the first album) to my 'hi-fi mates', cranked up pretty loud. The vinyl was pretty dynamic as I recall and I was using a then rather rare m/c cartridge, the DL103, which was dynamically very explosive.
After the subdued opening of 'barrelhouse' piano and voice, Simon Kirke's drums hit you right in the chest, cue some very surprised listeners!
I used to play pretty loud in those days and the BC1s were replacements for a pair of 4310 monitors, not as loud obviously but easily loud enough given the power available in a domestic environment. Despite 'showing off' on a fair number of occasions, I never damaged the BC1 speakers, not once.