All componets for main power cable upgrades.


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Jun 30, 2008
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Not sure about the title but i was wondering if anyone can help me with maybe some main cable upgrades. Looking for an improvement but not going too mad, as my system probably won't need it.Starting with Samsung 40" lcd, Onkyo 606 amp, PS3 and also Quad-lite sub. Already got a Tacima CS929 and noticed slight improvements, so want to know which is best for each component. With a 10% budget of system around £200-250 max to spend, was looking at Clearer Audio, would i just need four of their entry Copper Alpha line or is there any better for £50 a cable. Lenghts would be one at1 mtrs and two at 1.25 mtrs and a 2 mtr for sub. Any help would be much appreciated. And thanks for your time.


If you can afford to get the copperline alpha cables all round then go for it!


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Jun 30, 2008
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Any one else with some useful info, are the Copperline Alpha used for amps, source and tv.s or do i need specfic ones for each duty.


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With your budget in mind, would you consider mains conditioners? They have the advantage of bringing benefit to more than one component. You have already said the Tacima has helped. If you go to Russ Andrews or Isoteck their smaller conditioners are well within budget. My The Silencer has been effective on both hifi and AV.

If you go with cables, all I would say is stick to companies who have a returns policy.


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Aug 18, 2007
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Gander:If you can afford to get the copperline alpha cables all round then go for it!

Why not one very good cable to your tacima and go from there with cheaper but still good quality mains cables?

If you decide to buy only one of their cables it could also be worthwhile to feed the power block (if the cable can be changed from it) so al of your components can benefit from one good cable. But i wouldn't put those thin standard mains cables that comes free with any component you buy into your mains block then. If you still have some nice cables around it could be a possibility. Before you ask, i tried this to and still made a difference on my amp using one very good cable before the mains block.

An even better possibility is using 2 tacimas, 1 for the front end and 1 for amps/subwoofer.


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Aug 18, 2007
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I would like to know if someone has the possibility to compare the Chord mains cables to the Wireworlds. A dealer i know does also deal in Chord but he mentioned he had the best results with Wireworld, but i don't know if his comment is actually based on experience about chord though. On the other hand i'm pleased with my Wireworld mains cables but you never know.


lobby:Not sure about the title but i was wondering if anyone can help me with maybe some main cable upgrades. Looking for an improvement but not going too mad, as my system probably won't need it.Starting with Samsung 40" lcd, Onkyo 606 amp, PS3 and also Quad-lite sub. Already got a Tacima CS929 and noticed slight improvements, so want to know which is best for each component. With a 10% budget of system around £200-250 max to spend, was looking at Clearer Audio, would i just need four of their entry Copper Alpha line or is there any better for £50 a cable. Lenghts would be one at1 mtrs and two at 1.25 mtrs and a 2 mtr for sub. Any help would be much appreciated. And thanks for your time.

Well if your quick RA have a Sale on and you can get thier basic PowerMaxT Plus mains cable for £39.55

Is it better than Clearer Audio Copper Line Alpha at £35.00 , I dont know, someone might?


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Jun 30, 2008
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Thanx for your input, im tempted to purchase 1 Chord Superscreen and 1 Clearer Audio and see which is best for me, and sometime this year will be upgrading to new tv, Blu-ray player, amp and then speakers. Also im thinking about mains conditioner. So thankyou to everyone so far keep the info coming it all helps me decide.


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Oct 20, 2007
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lobby:Any one else with some useful info, are the Copperline Alpha used for amps, source and tv.s or do i need specfic ones for each duty.

Hi lobby

The Copper-line Alpha Power Cable can be used on any component. The cable is rated at 20 amps so can be used with the most demanding of amplifiers. Many customers upgrade the IEC plug to the Wattgate 320i IEC (£50 for 1m length) which provides improved performance. You can try all of our products without risk since we offer a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,



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