adp72uk:I've just invested in two airport expresses, the first feeds my AV amp (Denon 1911) via an optical cable and the second my hi fi amp (Rotel RA-02) via a 3.5 to RCA cable.
I realise that AV amps are not really designed for music and that the different makes of speakers on both systems make a difference but I find the hi fi with the analogue connection sounds best. Even low bit rate stuff sounds brilliant.
As you say, the difference in the systems is going to make the major difference - I would definitely hope your Rotel stereo amp would perform better than the Denon in that scenario! However, you could put an external DAC in the stereo setup to further improve performance if so desired.adp72uk:Obviously what you perceive as sounding great is very subjective and my hearing might be a bit shot from years of scuba diving and hundreds of gigs but I guess my point is try the cheaper option first and stick with what sounds good to you.
Couldn't agree more.