Guys, I gave up on worrying about soundstage for a number of reasons.
Firstly, my last 'big' system involved big, electrostatic panels that threw a holographic soundstage you could walk into, totally glorious but I have absolutely no intention of spending that kind of money in my current circumstances.
Secondly, if I move my speakers to the 'correct' position and sit in the 'sweet spot', I get a pretty decent image, it lacks a bit of scale and precision compared to what is possible but really not at all bad for the modest cost of my current setup. In addition the speakers are very easy to place, working quite close to the wall without any bass issues.
Most importantly, it is just not that important to me anymore, I do not sit and listen intently in that uniquely 'hi-fi enthusiast' manner, as long as the music gets free of the speakers and into the room, I'm happy. Generally these days I am looking for a 'live' feel, for me this usually translates as as a combination of punch and presence.
In some ways this is the old 'boom and tish' balance but not too obviously done and heavily tweeked to avoid overbrightness and any hint of loose or flabby bass. That this can be achieved at such relatively modest cost impresses even me, sure some bigger bass cones would be great but the small floorstanders that I have are so room friendly both visually and musically, that I am loath to try and replace them.