Advice on speakers


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello All,

New member here, first time on forum.

Like a lot of other people ( I suspect) lack of time, work etc. Ilost touch with music and Hi-Fi.

To cut a long syory short I found myself with a lot of time on my hands through illness.The good

thing that came out of that was that I foundmyself reading What Hi-Fi and these forums.

I couldn`t get out to demo much equipment, but finished up with :-

Michell Syncro, Akito arm AT440Mla, Arcam CD73, Arcam A70 & P90 Bi-amped to Monitor audio BR5`s.

Russ Andrews mains leads, Atlas Equator interconnects, Atlas Basic Bi-wire speaker cable

I am very happy with the sound ,but feel as thogh the speakers are the weakest area.

Any thoughts welcome.

The Monitor Audio Silver range seems to get a lot of support and I also like the look of Sonus Faber Concertinos.

Has anybody heard these and would they suit Arcams?
What kind of sound are you looking for, out of interest?
To be honest, I don`t quite know, but something with a bit more depth and fullness.

Sorry it`s a bit vague.
Could I suggest the Q Acoustics 1050i floorstanders in that case; a lot of box for the money, a recent award winner from Hi Fi World and has the kind of big scale and dynamism you might be after. Stands up well with more expensive kit and is one of the very few sub-£500 floorstanders which actuall ysound really good according to report.

One to shortlist I think. RRP £350, available online for £253.
HI. The BR5`s really are good, It is just that my head is asking if this is the weakest link in my system.

Plus because I have a lot of time on my hands, I`ve caught upgraditis.

I have no idea how much, make me an offer.
Careful with the offers guys (not allowed on this site) - might be best to see if the mods will release one of your email addresses to the other to take it offline.

But... having listened to both, I can say that the RS6s are a big step up from the BR5s...(and yes, I bought the RS6s).
Thanks for the advice. sorry about offers, didn`t know the rules.

Has anybody heard the Sonus Fabers?
The Concertinos are nice speakers; their sound is very different from MA though. It's a very warm and natural sound, not a "modern" sound as the MA's. SF speakers have an excellent voicing, very suited for classical. Strings, woods and voices sound particularly natural.

But...the downside is they are really expensive and won't give you a huge sound. Actually, their sound is as tiny as their enclosures. So if you like their style (they are absolutely gorgeous), and you don't listen too loud, and you have a small room, and you like a warm and natural sound...maybe they can be a good buy. But I really think you can get a similar "type" of sound, with a better overall performance, with a Tannoy Eyris DC1, which is cheaper and bigger.

But it you want more scale, look elsewhere.

For me, all SF speakers are very overpriced. Of course they sound great and look amazing, but they are not the best value around. I would only buy them gladly if I had money to spare.
Thanks for the info. on Concertinos, It seems the origiginal idea of RS6`s should be the way to go.


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