Acoustic Energy Neo V2/Radiance sub NOTCH settings



Hey guys, I´ve gone thru several discussions about this two outstanding subwoofers from AE, I own the Neo V2 5.1 myself..and it keeps making me really happy.. Though I think I have it set pretty good, I´d like to hear any other opinions of these notch room is cca 5.5 x 4.5 m, with the sub placed in line with left front speaker along the longer wall, facing to listening position..the AVR is Pioneer VSX-2020, on the MCACC all speakers set as SMALL, crossover 80Hz, sub level at +1.0db
On the sub:
phase 0
crossover max(off)
volume in the middle
notch level almost 0db
notch slope almost max
notch filter 60Hz
thanks for any additions for maximizing performance of an already great sub..


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