Acoustic Energy 103 & amp


New member
Jun 22, 2016
Hello again.

Last time I wrote in 2016 I was bothering you about amplifier ands speakers.

I bought a Marantz PM 6005 and I find a bargain for a couple of new AE 103.

With their 8 ohm and 89dB I was thinking they could be "easy" speaker for the Marantz, but this was wrong from the beginning.

With an input of 170 Watts, AE was not coupling at all with Marantz speakers are too much thirsty of power.

The sound was bright toomuch, and the loudness control on the amp was too much "intrusive".

So I decided to sell the 6005.

This summer I took at a very low price (a couple of pints...) a vintage Nikko NA 890, cleaned it and made it workin.

I am now using my pc's HDD as a source (using the NAS in windows7 ) thru a Roku soundbridge streamer and one Fiio DAC.

At low volume I miss a lot of details, and on high volume the amp is almost annoying. High tones become harsh and it is not possible to listen to music but for a little time.

I tried the amp with another set of speakers from B&W and the sound was better.

Now I'd like to change the amp again looking for old Denon 900v or 1560, Rotel ra 985 or RC970/RB970 due to the power they can deliver.

Cambridge cx 60 could be an option.

Anyone can help me to make a decent pairing with those speakers or It is better I sell them and try another set (canton 496 were playing nice to me).

Thanks for your time

Gian Marco


New member
May 31, 2016
ancalagon65 said:
Hello again.

Last time I wrote in 2016 I was bothering you about amplifier ands speakers.

I bought a Marantz PM 6005 and I find a bargain for a couple of new AE 103.

With their 8 ohm and 89dB I was thinking they could be "easy" speaker for the Marantz, but this was wrong from the beginning.

With an input of 170 Watts, AE was not coupling at all with Marantz speakers are too much thirsty of power.

The sound was bright toomuch, and the loudness control on the amp was too much "intrusive".

So I decided to sell the 6005.

This summer I took at a very low price (a couple of pints...) a vintage Nikko NA 890, cleaned it and made it workin.

I am now using my pc's HDD as a source (using the NAS in windows7 ) thru a Roku soundbridge streamer and one Fiio DAC.

At low volume I miss a lot of details, and on high volume the amp is almost annoying. High tones become harsh and it is not possible to listen to music but for a little time.

I tried the amp with another set of speakers from B&W and the sound was better.

Now I'd like to change the amp again looking for old Denon 900v or 1560, Rotel ra 985 or RC970/RB970 due to the power they can deliver.

Cambridge cx 60 could be an option.

Anyone can help me to make a decent pairing with those speakers or It is better I sell them and try another set (canton 496 were playing nice to me).

Thanks for your time

Gian Marco

I never heard those speakers, but I think you pretty much identified the problem when you said you still have the harshness issue and that you tried the new amp with another set of speakers and the sound was better.

The speakers and room acoustics are the more impactful factors, so I'd try to demo speakers in your room before going on a never ending (probably fruitless) route of new amps. Also, look into absorption (rugs, curtains, bookshelves) to tame high frequencies.

Btw, 170W of "input", that must be the speakers max. power handling.


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2016
Looking at the specs of the speakers and some reviews it indicates that the Marantz should not really have a problem running them. However I say this having never heard the combo.

It could be that the pairing was simply not good to your ears. What options other than the CXA-60 have you got? Is there anything you're able to demo with your speakers preferably in your listening room?


New member
Jun 22, 2016
I like the speakers, I don't listen to techno music and I prefer open detailed sound (that's why I chose the 2 midwoofer AE).

My living room is a 6*5 room. In front of speakers, 3 meters far, a windowed door with courtains. No carpets.

When I was using the old set (Audiolab 8000c+Arcam aplha8p+Chario syntar) the sound was a little "dark", I thought due to the speakers because they had a woofer mounted inside toward the floor.

AE have a bass reflex front port and I can use them near the wall. Cables are Van Den Hul Skyline.

I always use a song to test the hifi set : "Nicola Campogrande - Armadi" (freely downloadable from internet, just write it on google and enjoy).

I heard this song working as a test in Top Audio in Milan.

Voices are very bright and someway "in the back line".

Options are: Cambridge Audio, Denon, Rotel or any other one able to "move" those speakers. Marantz was really uneffective.

I'd like to try some used amps like Creek or Naim but I really don't know how can they work, it is not possible to listen them.

The nearest hifi center is 80km far from my house and the only thing I can do is to bring there the speakers..........

A nice day to all



Well-known member
Sep 20, 2016
Why not try something second hand and local. Perhaps Audio Analogue Puccini or a Unison Research Unico?

These should be easier to get and should you be prepared to sell outside of Italy would be desirable.


New member
Jun 22, 2016

I spoke with the owner of the hifi shop.

He has now, second hand (price 350€), Onix a 55 MKI and Cyrus 7.

Any opinion about those amps?

I found some good reviews about Onix, but I don't know anything about the two brands....



Well-known member
Nov 17, 2008
I would always say speakers make by far the largest contribution to the sound of a Hi-Fi system, it's simple physics, they have the main physical interaction with the listening environment. The speaker/room relationship is the most crucial part of a Hi-Fi's performance - you've tried two amps with similar results, the speaker (or potentially source) is therefore a more likely cultprit in creating the harshness you're hearing.

In the first instance I would simply suggest removing the front spikes of the 103's (presuming spikes are being used - if not put the rear ones on), this will tilt the front baffle forwards (it will essentially be vertical now) and will markedly change the balance of the sound - based on what you say you're hearing it should fill out the body of the midrange. The time-aligned front baffle has definite benefits, but on occasion it's possible to experience a phase-dip in certain rooms/locations within a room which can suck out a frequency (usually between tweeter and midrange) that can leave the treble sounding exposed and "harsh".

Give that a try and listen to the system afresh, it costs nothing and may solve the problem.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2012
I'd second the new Rega Brio suggestion (based on reviews), maybe used Arcam A19. As far as I know, your speakers require full sounding amps that are good with rhythm, so Rotel/Cyrus etc wouldn't be my first options (not because of the rhythm part).

For SH, of course you can try Naim, since you can sell one for little or no loss. Something like Nait 5si.


New member
Jun 22, 2016
What about a Naim Nait 3? I found one for 300 €.......

But I don't know how I can interface it with the speakers. I saw in pics I can't use banana plugs............ so what???



Well-known member
Apr 30, 2012
Sorry, I'm not familiar with the Nait 3, but reports are that it can sound strident and harsh. Also, with old Naim amps you MUST be careful with what speaker cable you use - Naim's own is the safest bet, and you need a minimum length if I'm not mistaken. If you buy new, Naca5 is expensive, considering the rest of your system, but minimum would be 3.5 m lengths of Naim Naca4 or Linn K20 (which is the same cable). Either Nait 5 should be fine (5, 5i or 5si), but again, you might like Rega - keep away from Yamaha imo, and of course you can check Rotel and Cyrus, but for me these would be a bad match with your speakers. Arcam A19 can be found sh for around 400 pounds I think. Marantz PM8005 might also be worth a look, and I think you can still find these new for very good prices.


New member
Jun 22, 2016
I sold the Nikko.

Checking some amps on second hand market I found 4 ones I am interested in:





I listened to 3 of them (Rega, Aura and 1500) and I like the Aura for its warm detailed sound (and the price...... 200 €!), but Rega too is really awesome.

Denon is surely more powerful and it looks dual mono .

Any suggestions?

Thanks for your time



Well-known member
Sep 20, 2016
ancalagon65 said:
I sold the Nikko.

Checking some amps on second hand market I found 4 ones I am interested in:





I listened to 3 of them (Rega, Aura and 1500) and I like the Aura for its warm detailed sound (and the price...... 200 €!), but Rega too is really awesome.

Denon is surely more powerful and it looks dual mono .

Any suggestions?

Thanks for your time

Have you tried what Jim said? He would know being Head of Design and R&D at Acoustic Energy.


New member
Jun 22, 2016
Yes I tried. Better response, but still not thrilling me.
I think the 1979 amp had its limits and the pairing with A&E wasn't a nice marriage for my ears.
I like those speakers, that's why I sold the amp.


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