A sub for M-Audio AV-40?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
So in my battle in choosing sub £150 speakers, I settled for the M-Audio AV-40's and honestly, I love them 🙂

But there is still the problem of having enough bass, while I love these speakers and there's quite a decent amount of bass in these, I'm just so used to having a sub that I can't live without it so I'm gonna look out for a sub.

The sub has to be under £50 and I might stretch my budget to £70 if really necessary, please no 2nd hand options since I doubt anyone is willing to ship 5-15kg over to Northern Ireland (it will cost a fortune, even from UK) and so I'll save some money if I get it brand new. As far as I understand, the sub has to have crossover and level input (though I don't know what either of these terms mean) and I would connect my AV-40's to the sub via RCA and then the sub to my soundcard via 3.5mm jack or whatever.

The sub doesn't have to be brilliant or even above good since it's a sub, it produces bass! As long as it produces something better than the Logitech X-230 sub (pretty sure any aftermarket sub would) then it's good with me and I don't need insane power either, all I want is a little bit more kick and bass to these speakers.

Thank you

Lack of response mIght be due to the fact that no one knows of a brand new sub selling for £50. Are you not better off looking locally second hand?
Well that was one of the main reasons why I have made this topic - to find out whether brand new subs even come under £50.

Looking for one locally is rather hard, (Northern Ireland) since it's a small place and I doubt I'll find a sub within my budget.

I guess if I don't get any response, I'll just save up and get a sub from Richersound for about £100 or so but I still want to make sure that I can't get a cheaper one.


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