Busb, your first paragraph is pure prejudice against Naim and it's customers. Is that a reasonable position? How can you know they all have "too much money" and part with it "far too readily"?
True Blue (posted above) and myself both have (or have had) Naim systems and I know for a fact that neither of us have "too much money" and both of us listened to our Naim equipment - and much else besides - in both dealer demos and at home before purchase. (In my case everything from Arcam to Rega and Cyrus and Yamaha before trying Naim.)
Am I allowed to form an unreasonable prejudice against you based on your signature system?
I won't, especially given that I own or have owned some elements of it. (Beresford DAC, iPhone, Pure Evoke Flow, PX200s, iTunes).
I agree on the looks though
I find Naim equipment is ugly.