I have recently ressurected one of my late uncles hand built turntables ,huge lump of a thing weighs upwards of 50kg . built around a solid steel and aluminium chassis with solid copper bearing and motor pillars ,this has no suspension whatsoever . it was built over 20 yrs ago as i rememeber him working on the project..the arm pillar is made of a modified chrome 4 inch pipe flange ,,this weighs 6kgs alone and only needed keeping in place with blue tac..the original arm was an sme series 111S with a shure V15 cartridge which i believe was the recommended cartridge for the arm.. i have aquired a second hand series 111 but have not yet sorted a cartridge.as i need one that will match the arm but have enough output for my line level sugden inputs ..
any thoughts
kindest regards
any thoughts
kindest regards