A happy coupling or marriage made in hell


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Thinking of upgrading a bedroom system. Toying with a pair of EB Acoustic EB1s with a Yamaha A-S500. Anyone any idea if these two would work well together..

Probably use Chord Rumour cables.

Main source will be an iPod touch.

In terms of speakers that move me.. I have always found Monitor Audio ranges to be way too bright for my ears and lean more to PMC or Spendor. So if anyone knows where in the sonic style the EB1s would fit to give me an idea, I'd be glad to hear from you.

Likewise if an alternative Amp would sing better.. tell me all about it.

Cheers amigos
On paper all of the gear that you mention looks good and I can't see why it wouldn't work well together (would be worth getting a proper demo before you buy anything though), but IMO will be a bit of a waste if you're using an iPod as a source...

I've got a system in my bedroom which consists of a NAD C315BEE, Tannoy F1 Customs and DNM Reson cable (all bought second hand for £180..), which I usually use with my iPod for convenience sake. Using my laptop with uncompressed files through a Cambridge Audio DacMagic sounds a world apart from the iPod (in a very good way!), so might be worth considering something else for the front end before shelling out on the relatively expensive amp/speakers/cables.
Thanks for your suggestions.. I appreciate what you mean about the source.. clearly the weakest link in this setup.. but more for convenience than dedication. I may add better definition sources once the system is set up.

What I was trying to grasp is if anyone who has a pair of EB1s could indicate sonically how they might compare to say the Monitor Audio, PMC or say B&W et al, in terms of their brightness and if the amp I'm considering would pair well for listening at what will most likely be fairly low volume levels given its for a bedroom.

Any thoughts?