A few Rega Planar 3 issues you may have seen before

Fenton Beasley

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Dec 4, 2008
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I have posted this on another forum and previously on the WHSV Hi-Fi forum (without response). I'm posting again in case someone can help.

Previous post: http://community.whathifi.com/forums/t/166666.aspx

Ever since I had my Elys 2 fitted last year, I have been experiencing a strange noise whenever the stylus is lifted from the record. The sound of the stylus leaving the record is as normal but then it carries on with a sort of a rumbling, crackly sound that ends with a quiet, dull pop. It's very hard to describe but it sounds like an "echo" of the stylus leaving the grooves again.

Another problem I'm having is the cueing arm. On warm or hot days, the arm descends rapidly (too rapidly). On colder days, it descends slowly; normally. It never used to do this. Do the hydraulics fade on Rega cueing arms over time? Is this even fixable?

The third problem is again with the cueing device. The arm won't descend as normal if you push it all the way down i.e. 90°. If you push it all the way down, it starts to descend then stays in the 'up' position. It looks like shoddy design if you ask me. Something the Planar 3 is not renowned for. Is this fixable also?



Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
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I have owned two Rega Planar 3's and a P2 (all from new) in the years since 1983 and have never experienced your problems with any of them. Sorry.

The cueing device can be sorted by ordering a new one from your dealer. (Make sure you also have a 1.27mm or 1/20th inch allen key to adjust the height of the arm cueing platform.)

Yes the oil (or silicon) in these devices can go 'off' after a long time, but then your Rega Planar 3 must be at least 13 years old (they became P3's from about 1996.)

Given that the RB300 Planar 3 was launched in 1983 and the original (Lustre arm) version goes back to the early 1970s, then it is conceivable you have a very old unit in need of servicing by a Rega agent.

Did your dealer fit the Elys correctly? Check his work with the alignment gauge that Rega provide in the box and check the cartridge tags/leads are connected to the correct pins.

A dealer capable of 'fobbing off' a customer is more than capable of botching a cartridge fitting.

Rebalance the arm to zero so it floats correctly and reset your tracking force and anti-skate. (After you have checked the points above and corrected if necessary.)


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Sep 9, 2007
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Good advice from Chebby there so cant really add anything but the sound is not right, i had this cartridge and never experienced these problems so as above, you could check the leads from your phono stage.

Fenton Beasley

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Dec 4, 2008
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Thanks guys. I will check out your suggestions.

I bought it in 1997 so it must be one of the last Planar 3's. It took a few knocks on the way over from England to Australia (where I now live) but the 90ø cue arm thing has always been like that. My local Hi-Fi shop did a great job with the repair and even upgraded the motor. It looks like I'll have to live with the rest of the problems. That's ok, It's always sounded fantastic!

The rumbling noise has only started happening after the Elys 2 was fitted last year. I'll get it looked at once I have a job


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