A daft dilema, am I going mad?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all. You are all going to think I may be mad, however my current home cinema set up consists of the following speakers:

Quad 21L fronts

Qual 11L rears

Quad L centre

MJ Sub pro 50 xeno.

The dilema is that these all need to go because of my 2 young kids are taking an interest in them i.e. trying to push them over, attempting to remove the grills etc. I am aware quality wise I am going to suffer by getting an all in one set up and was considering getting the Kef 3005SE which I can get for £799.

My question is should I keep my Quads and put a wall around them or go for the Kef's knowing I will lose quality but understand they are probably the best of the bunch.
Why do they have to go? They're just speakers, I'm guessing they're insured, and the kids will get bored of them eventually.

Unless you're worried they might fall on the kids (though tbh worse things than that will happen to them - don't get me started on my kids-and-general-anaesthetics stories...)
Falling on them is also a high consideration particularly the floorstanding fronts, unfortunately their boredom has not kicked in yet as it as been going on for around 3 months. My son is fascinated by them and is likely to grow up a hifi nut too me thinks.
Penguin Feet:Falling on them is also a high consideration particularly the floorstanding fronts, unfortunately their boredom has not kicked in yet as it as been going on for around 3 months. My son is fascinated by them and is likely to grow up a hifi nut too me thinks.

I had the same problem with my little'un. You have to try and educate them, and (keep) telling them about the importance of the speakers. Try a bit of kidology, and say if you break the speakers they won't be able to watch their favourite DVD's. This worked wonders for me.....
Penguin Feet:Falling on them is also a high consideration particularly the floorstanding fronts, unfortunately their boredom has not kicked in yet as it as been going on for around 3 months. My son is fascinated by them and is likely to grow up a hifi nut too me thinks.

Best keep the good speakers for him then

I'd be more inclined to secure them as best you can (fill 'em with lead shot!), encourage them away from the speakers whenever possible, and not worry about it too much. They'll thank you for it later (when they want a movie party for their mates with popcorn, hot dogs, and the Transformers movie).
Thanks for your response I have done my best to secure them and have endevoured to surround them as well so they cannot be got too, but this has been in vein so far. I think I will stick with what I have got I just hope that I don't come home from work one day and my wife tells me that the base cone isn't on the end of my sons fingers.
Ditto the above advice... just wait until the little 'un takes an interest in the oven! (unless you're lucky enough to have it at eye level, then at least that's one less thing to worry about)


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