805 s alternative


New member
Mar 14, 2010
I have heard the BW 805s and was amazed even spell bound by their abilities.Also listened to the focal electra bookshelves and was also impressed.however I was wondering if there are other speaker that perform as well as those 2 for a little less expensive as I beleive that even though they are great speakers one pays the price more for the name than actual speaker.Any inputs will greatly appreciated.thanks
Personally, I haven't a clue. However, if I were auditioning the B&W 805S then I'd definitely look at
ATC SCM19 and Harbeth Compact 7ES-3 as well.
ATC's scm19's are about the same price as the 805's as far as i know(around £1650).

You will struggle to find a better speaker at near their price.
I use the Wilson Benesh Square 2s, They give a very clear 3d sound but you need a powerful amp to get bass out of them, my amp is 200w to good effect.
Stpierre76 - what amplifier will you be using? Whatever amplifier you have, you need to make sure you hear these speakers with that amplifier, as speakers can favour some amps and not others.

It depends what areas you want other speakers to match or better.

As well as the SCM19's (which would be my favourite to compete/better them, you could try the Neat Acoustics Classic Petite, PMC TB2i's, and ProAc Response D1.Each of these have their own strengths and weaknesses, like any speaker, but it's the one that suits your amp best that will shine through. Or maybe the one that you just prefer the sound of.
I recently listened to the 805's and compared them directly with the ATC SCM11's and preferred the sound of the ATC's. The B&W are a great speaker but the ATC's are awesome. I didn't have the chance to listen to the ATC SCM19 but if your interested in a cheaper quality speaker defiantly check out the ATCs.
stpierre76:I have heard the BW 805s and was amazed even spell bound by their abilities.Also listened to the focal electra bookshelves and was also impressed.however I was wondering if there are other speaker that perform as well as those 2 for a little less expensive as I beleive that even though they are great speakers one pays the price more for the name than actual speaker.Any inputs will greatly appreciated.thanks

Hi stpierre76

At the moment i too will highly recommend ATC's SCM19's. The SCM19's (particularly with their massive state of the art studio SLMT mid/bass drive unit) are fantastic speakers and ones which i believe are probably the finest vfm bookshelf speakers currently available on the market.

Btw, what amp etc. will you be using?

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
ive never heard anyone say anything other than how great these atc speakers are , on this forum thats very unusual , their currently at the top of my "in the distant future" upgrade list
maxflinn:ive never heard anyone say anything other than how great these atc speakers are , on this forum thats very unusual , their currently at the top of my "in the distant future" upgrade list

Hi maxflinn

From the many ATC products that i have dealt with/come across over the years i can genuinely say that there is not one single product of theirs which has not punched well above its weight and therefore offered excellent vfm. ATC (wherever possible) also offer the domestic user identical technology as used in their professional products. The SCM11's use the same CLD mid/bass drive unit as the SCM16 pro monitors, SCM19's use the same SLMT mid/bass drive unit as the SCM20 pro monitors etc.

For me ATC simply continue to inspire confidence.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
maxflinn:hi rick

Hi maxflinn

I am sorry for not completing my post. I got a call from a client and accidently hit the mouse (which i am still trying to get used to again).

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
thanks for the rundown rick ...

goodnight pp , rick , david and all
maxflinn:hi rick

Hi maxflinn

I am sorry for not completing my post. I got a call from a client and accidently hit the mouse (which i am still trying to get used to again).

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Now that's what i call service, not sure how happy my dealer would be if i rang him at past midnight though.
maxflinn:hi rick

Hi maxflinn

I am sorry for not completing my post. I got a call from a client and accidently hit the mouse (which i am still trying to get used to again).

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

ah no bother rick , cheers , i may pick your brains (and davids of course
) another time about the atcs , im very happy with what ive got right now , but next year ? who knows
bobbyg81:Get the ATCs Max.You know you want to!

....................someday maybe............
Stevie_Blaze:I recently listened to the 805's and compared them directly with the ATC SCM11's and preferred the sound of the ATC's. The B&W are a great speaker but the ATC's are awesome. I didn't have the chance to listen to the ATC SCM19 but if your interested in a cheaper quality speaker defiantly check out the ATCs.

Hi Stevie_Blaze

I am glad you liked the SCM11's however as good as the SCM11's are the SCM19's are in a different league altoghter. The massive mid/bass unit of the SCM19's itself weighs more than a complete SCM11 and (i think) the same weight as a complete 805!

One listen to the SCM19's and generally its game over for the SCM11's. The lower it distorts the more transparent and natural it sounds.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Well frankly I have not heard the ATC's and therefor cannot comment on them. I have been living with a pair of 805s's. I have been extremely happy with the sound and have plans on moving up to the new 802 or 803 Diamonds. The 800 series speakers are certainly expensive; but very livable. I have never regretted buying them and would recommend them to anyone looking for a speaker that they can live with for years.
Don't miss the AE 1 MK 3 - refer also to What Hifi reviews and listen with an amp which fits.


Hi Frank, thanks for taking time to read and advising me on choice of speakers.I was going to buy the primare i30 until I decided that I now have 2 kids and playing loud music will probably not happen some time soon so opted for a all in one less powerfull amp.I went with the naim uniti.So basically what will give me the best results for this amp?being only 50w I probably need easy speakers.Are the 805 to hard to drive for the uniti, or may be the atc....I know that the focal electra r rather easy...thanks in advance johm
It's David

I would certainly try and stick to more efficient designs if you're going with a Uniti. It's pretty powerful, but it'll run out of steam if you try and push it too hard with an inefficient design. Personally I would still have gone for the I30 even if you weren't playing music loud - better amplifiers are capable of greater dynamic swings and exert more control over speakers, even at lower volumes.

Unfortunately I haven't heard the 805's with a range of amps, so I can't comment on it's efficiency, but based on the CM and 600 series, I think they'd need a fair amount of control in the low end, unless you use a lean sounding amp so as not to excite those low notes too much.


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