5k Speaker Supertest....


New member
May 4, 2008
There seems to be a plethora of speakers in this bracket (i' wont be name dropping), just wondering if there is one in the offing?
I'll flag it up to the review team, but can't help but feel it would only really be of interest to a relatively small number of readers.
Andrew Everard:I'll flag it up to the review team, but can't help but feel it would only really be of interest to a relatively small number of readers.

I would like to disagree. Hifi, for me at least, is all about dreaming about what I might be able to afford one day. I'd love to see a supertest of B&W 804,803 etc.. I remember when I was at university, I used to dream about getting some Infiniti IRS Vs - I think they were £10K back in the early 90s. I really enjoy reading the section in What Hifi that looks at the high end stuff. I can't afford it, but then again I can't afford a Ferrari, but it's still fun to dream about.

I'd also like to suggest a "best of British" type focus, since the UK economy could do with a boost, I'd much rather buy British if I can. Although I was disappointed when I bought my B&W CM7s to learn they were being built in China..

Whilst I'm going on, please please please do fewer LCD / PLASMA / Bluray reviews.. There's so much hifi kit that could be tested, I know it "Sound & Vision", but I'd argue that visual excitement (except maybe a pretty lady) can never match that of the spine-tingling you get from a special hifi!

Andrew Everard:I'll flag it up to the review team, but can't help but feel it would only really be of interest to a relatively small number of readers.

Thanks Andrew.

Relatively this could true but speculatively it would be for all!

A vote from me anyhow.🙂D)
Andrew Everard:Noted.

And another vote from me, although I probably wouldn't cut of my nose to spite my face, I mean cancel my subscription, if it didn't happen in the next issue..
Well, it won't happen in the next few issues, as we're packed out with new equipment running up to the 2010 Awards. But after that...
I also vote for a 5K speaker test or the release of a new Ultimate Hifi Magazine soon
Don't undersell your publication, Andrew. Not all WHF readers are looking to buy a 5.1 sub-sat system for £400. Many are potential AudioPorn purchasers, both young and old, and buy WHF for a broader view than you might get in other magazines.
Alex Foxon:Don't undersell your publication, Andrew. Not all WHF readers are looking to buy a 5.1 sub-sat system for £400. Many are potential AudioPorn purchasers, both young and old, and buy WHF for a broader view than you might get in other magazines. Regards, Alex.

Many people buy all the hifi mags available, simply because they want to read about hifi. Having said that, some of this group don't have any interest in graph patterns of harmonic distortion or TVs so think it is good to get a broad spread of reading matter.
Well in your new issue - due to be with subscribers today; in shops from Tuesday - you've got an additional free, 64-page magazine packed with high-end kit
Clare Newsome:Well in your new issue - due to be with subscribers today; in shops from Tuesday - you've got an additional free, 64-page magazine packed with high-end kit

cool - look forward to new issue landing in mail box.

I'd agree with the point made earlier about less TV review. Seems like three quarters of the mag (well, three quarters of the half of the mag that isn't the guide stuff) is all about what new whizzbang 12 dimension 75 feet wide screen is the one you should get. To be honest, I couldn't give a monkeys about that stuff.
Not underselling at all, but just reflecting the pressure on the space available for tests, the need to serve the greatest number of readers, and the fact that a TV test highlighted on the cover is more likely to sell magazines than

SUPERTEST: The Best £5000 Speakers You Can Buy

As Clare has pointed out, that's why we have the Ultimate Guides, Temptations section and so on...
Andrew Everard:

Not underselling at all, but just reflecting the pressure on the space available for tests, the need to serve the greatest number of readers, and the fact that a TV test highlighted on the cover is more likely to sell magazines than

SUPERTEST: The Best £5000 Speakers You Can Buy

Not if you are looking for a £5000 pair of speakers
Firstly:- Add my vote, I like to dream (...of various things...not just hi end hi fi ).

I've never dared ask before (but its Friday so what the H**L), because
I may be struck off the forum for inappropriate Q's.

Does the "Sound and Vision" parts of the WHF-S&V magazine, keep the magazine afloat?

If no, then how about separating the two? If it did, I for one would become a subscriber rather than an occasional purchaser.

The ABC (Audit Bureau of Circulation) figures are public knowledge - WHF sells more than four times as many copies as even the biggest-selling hi-fi specific magazines.

For extra info, i'm just completing a blog with the latest market stats on hi-fi, AV, and TV sales - that should provide some more perspective, too.
Serenity:Does the "Sound and Vision" parts of the WHF-S&V magazine, keep the magazine afloat?

Yes, both the sound and the vision parts keep the magazine afloat. And if you want to see the sales potential for a purist two-channel magazine in the current climate, have a look at those ABC figures Clare just mentioned.
Well the market is a changin' again. With all due respect, a WHAT title would never go as low as the other publications. And with the increase in iPod/DAC/network servers/docking stations as well as HIFI as we know it, then surely the market would be big enough to justify a split in the magazines. I think you would vastly increase your circulation as a whole.

On the one hand your HiFi crew are avid enthusiasts, see the number of posts on this subforum compared to TV and Home Cinema and plenty of other fora with solid membership.

Secondly you would add loads of new, younger readers looking for music solutions who could then aspire to higher-end kit and provide the market with a much needed boost.

Thirdly a standalone TV/Home Cinema mag would sell in droves, albeit to a less enthusiast, more transient audience.

And most importantly, everyone would be happier.
Although you have done much to demonstrate your level of marketing expertise in the past, Joel, I suggest you take a look at those ABC figures as an indication of the market potential for those moves you're suggesting.

One video/TV magazine has recently closed, and a couple of the hi-fi titles are hanging on by their fingernails...
Andrew Everard:

Although you have done much to demonstrate your level of marketing expertise in the past, Joel, I suggest you take a look at those ABC figures as an indication of the market potential for those moves you're suggesting.

One video/TV magazine has recently closed, and a couple of the hi-fi titles are hanging on by their fingernails...

That's why I said that times are changing. There is a great, untapped market out there isn't there? The iPod generation and an opportunity to cement the future of the magazine, and the trade. Surely if it was 'Sound' then it could also include gaming sounds, mobiles, more headphones as well as home music, as well as some cinema surround.

Plus you can still share facilities.


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