Andrew Everard:I'll flag it up to the review team, but can't help but feel it would only really be of interest to a relatively small number of readers.
I would like to disagree. Hifi, for me at least, is all about dreaming about what I might be able to afford one day. I'd love to see a supertest of B&W 804,803 etc.. I remember when I was at university, I used to dream about getting some Infiniti IRS Vs - I think they were £10K back in the early 90s. I really enjoy reading the section in What Hifi that looks at the high end stuff. I can't afford it, but then again I can't afford a Ferrari, but it's still fun to dream about.
I'd also like to suggest a "best of British" type focus, since the UK economy could do with a boost, I'd much rather buy British if I can. Although I was disappointed when I bought my B&W CM7s to learn they were being built in China..
Whilst I'm going on, please please please do fewer LCD / PLASMA / Bluray reviews.. There's so much hifi kit that could be tested, I know it "Sound & Vision", but I'd argue that visual excitement (except maybe a pretty lady) can never match that of the spine-tingling you get from a special hifi!