2 sets of ceiling speakers with new small amps - will they handle it?


New member
Jun 11, 2012
I've got a pair of ceiling speakers in the bedroom, and a single stereo ceiling speaker in the en suite (3 speakers in total connected to 2 sets of terminals.

My current amp is a large Cambridge audio 540a, but it's not a very bedroom friendly solution.

I was wondering therefore whether one of the new breed of small form amps might work, eg the Nad D3020 or Monitor Audio A100. They all only have one set of speaker output, but do you thin thru would run both sets ceiling speakers?

TrevC said:
What impedance are the speakers, or what make and model are they?

They are RCF, not sure of the exact model, but ones on their website look to be 8 ohm
TrevC said:
I looked at the spec and the D3020 is OK down to 2 ohms, your speakers work out at 2.66, so go for that and parallel them up.

excellent, thank you!


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