1st post - Putting Mission M-Cube system with Onkyo TX SR606 av receiver? your views...


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello all, regular mag reader, but never really go into the forum part... So here i am and can I ask for some views on the following setup:

I bought a Panasonic Plasma 42" PZ70 last November and now wish to sort my aging surround SONY sound system out. It was a all in one system I bough 6 years ago for £300 (pretty basic)

I have settled on the following setup and would like people’s opinions to it before I buy:

Mission M-Cube 5.1 system - I really, really love the design and want small / discreet speakers. Also it retails for £599 now and is more in my budget. Was considering Q acoustics and Kef 3000 series but a little out of budget to be honest. I really want smaller life style speakers than anything too large that can be easily wall mounted.

Onkyo TX SR 606 - It has a more HDMI ports and will apparently work with my Vera link so can operate from one controller. Also think it should work fine with the Mission Cube speakers I guess.

Note: I am holding out on buy a blue ray player to later in the year and will rely on my present Sony DVD player being upscaled by the Onkyo unit for now. My living room space is 5m x 10m. My TV is located 4m from sofa.

Do you think it the Mission Cubes will work fine with the Onkyo av receiver? Some negative and positives would be appreciated…


Have just posted a similar question james. Getting a SR606 and wondering what speakers. Moving towards Q Acoustic 1010i at the moment, but agree, the M-Cubes do look pretty good on the specs.

Will check out what you get back!
Hi James, and welcome to the Forums!

OK, the positives first: the Missions will work fine with the Onkyo - a superb sonic combo for under £1000. And there's the other advantages such as the upscaling and Viera Link.

Possible downsides? Don't expect the system to be great with music, as that's not the forte of either of these components.

You've also got a reasonably big room, and while the Missions create a much bigger soundstage/sense of scale than you'd expect from their size, there's only so much you can get from a sub/sat system of this size.

My final comment is about timing - no, not about the musical variety, but about product schedules. The Onkyo is the clear leader in its market at the moment, but with new rivals coming along imminently in this price-point there will be some other options to consider in a month or so.
[quote user="petesmith"]Have just posted a similar question james. Getting a SR606 and wondering what speakers. Moving towards Q Acoustic 1010i at the moment, but agree, the M-Cubes do look pretty good on the specs.

Will check out what you get back![/quote]

The Q Acoustics 1010i package would outperform the Mission M-cubes - not just for movies but especially for music.
Hi clare,

thanks for the quick response and appriciate the thoughts. A good part of me just loves the size and design and would work well in my interior right now. Also anything must be better over my present Sony combo I bought many many years back.

Although the room might be big I'm not a person for running music or movies at high volumes so more interested in mid range... Would your comments still remain the same with that in mind?

The Q Acoustics would be an option for me too, just the design is a little un interesting. Challenge I have is trying to hear either the Missions or Q acoustics as I'm living in Munich right now and nobody seems to stock either of these items in local specialist stores. All just B&W huge monster units... chuckle
[quote user="Jam_s160"]
Hi clare,

thanks for the quick response and appriciate the thoughts. A good part of me just loves the size and design and would work well in my interior right now. Also anything must be better over my present Sony combo I bought many many years back.

Although the room might be big I'm not a person for running music or movies at high volumes so more interested in mid range... Would your comments still remain the same with that in mind?



You should be fine, James - just wanted to do some realistic expectation-setting! It'll be a big step up in quality from your Sony combo, and a highly entertaining one, too.
Hi Clare,

Thats essentially what I'm looking for... now to find a supplier in German without silly euro prices. Otherwise I'll be bringing it back with me next time I come home to visit again in the UK.

Will still keep in mind the Q Acoustics and try to get to hear either of the items some where before I make a final purchase. I think I've managed to find another specialist shop locally that might stock the M-Cubes. Will check it out and post my feedback during the weekend once visited and seen.


Hi Clare,

Another quick question, I just noticed the cube speakers wire into the subwoofer amp and not into the Onkyo av receiver. Can the speakers be wired directly into the av receiver if I wished to and would this effect sound quality in any way for better or worse etc?


The Mission m-Cubes are specifically designed to work with the satellite speakers connecting to the sub, which then connects to the AV receiver - so they will be driven by your Onkyo, just in a roundabout fashion.

Don't fret - it all works fine done this way!