10 year+ hifi.. is it possible?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Im wondering if its possible to get a decent sound buying hifi from around 10 years+ ago.

The reason i ask is that im 'thinking' of buying some mission 753 speakers or possibly similar from this era and im wondering in terms of cost (around £200) if they compare to a modern speaker of similar price?

Im looking for warmth and power even if the sound is a little uncontrolled as long as its fun. I have a budget of £200 for amp and £200 for speakers and im open to suggestions
The mission 753's were a good speaker back in the day, especially the freedom version. Can't imagine you'd get a new speaker to compete with them for £200. You might get a slightly more refined sound but certainly not a bigger more fun sound.
a pioneer A400 amp for approx £150 (or less) ... and mission 753 speakers for approx £200 ... but don't buy the 'Freedom' model, but the earlier version

add a Marantz CD63 MKII K1 signature cdp for approx £130 and you will have a decent system
MattSPL:Is the earlier version better than the freedom?

I am not saying that, but can say that when you combine all 3 components (amp/speakers/cdp), the setup of the A400 amp, Misssion 753 speakers (pre-freedom) and the Marantz amp make for good synergy (i.e ... they work very well together)
It depends - some prefer the earlier others the Freedom. I have the junior sibling in the original 752 and they're superb. Mesh dome tweeter, so best avoid brighter sounding electronics. The 753 deserves good amplification. It might well work with an A400, but there's four mid/bass drivers on those boxes, plus the tweeter, so giving it "plenty" in the amp hardware stakes is no bad thing and wouldn't be money wasted, plus, they're more than well up to it.

As for buying older kit, a glance at the signature line below will tell you I'm a bit of an enthusiast on that count!
MattSPL:Ah right get ya. My brother had a Pioneer A400x at one time. Great amp alright.

the Pioneer A400 is completely different to the A400x ...

rather get the original A400 IMHO ... many have said that the A400x was far inferior to the A400 ... I have owned two A400 amps and will always recomend them (based on value for money and performance)
Is the Pioneer A400 powerful enough to drive them? I do like a loud volume.

maybee a pre/power amp combination?
It's powerful enough, but they will benefit from a better quality amp to drive them. They are an £800 speaker after all, so whatever that would be in today's money (£800 in the late 90s). Great speaker, but I'd be looking at something like Harman Kardon's HK990 amp or thereabouts if buying new.
the record spot:It's powerful enough, but they will benefit from a better quality amp to drive them. They are an £800 speaker after all, so whatever that would be in today's money (£800 in the late 90s). Great speaker, but I'd be looking at something like Harman Kardon's HK990 amp or thereabouts if buying new.

cant afford a new £800 amp unfortunately so i guess it would have to be a £800 amp of the same era.. any suggestions?
Maybee an Audiolab 8000a? and add a 8000p down the line if im still thirsty?
Would be an interesting topic for a WHF article one month when nothing much else is happening, e.g. to take their "best" mid to upper (but not silly money) price range setup from the beginning of the last decade and compare it to their current equivalent. I guess the main problem might be finding "low mileage" older kit to compare to / with.
Darren Heal:Would be an interesting topic for a WHF article one month when nothing much else is happening, e.g. to take their "best" mid to upper (but not silly money) price range setup from the beginning of the last decade and compare it to their current equivalent. I guess the main problem might be finding "low mileage" older kit to compare to / with.

would be interesting to see how the older gear fares against the newer ...

one should take an older complete system that works well (speakers, amp and cdp), work out what it would be worth in today's money (i.e add inflation etc) ...

then compare it to a complete system of today for approx the same price

I think that older amps and speakers will fare very well, but not so sure on cdp's


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