Steve, you've brought up something I was considering asking; the transport in my Dell laptop is less well made than the wrapper that my Stilton came in yesterday! I used to have a Sony CDP930 that had a drawer with a stabiliser that would sit on top of the cd, it was built like a warship! Surely there is a loss of quality in the rip if transport is of any importance in the delivery of the digital info, or is that what the error correction in iTunes fixes?
Thanks for the JRMC tip, will give it a whirl, do I need any specific hardware in my laptop to output 24 bit FLACs via USB to a DAC?
Thanks again.
That's the beauty of using a computer as a music source, providing you use a programme with error correction to rip the files then pretty much any cheese wrapper will do. If you want it be NASA checked then Exact Audio Copy is the programme to use, buts its slow and not user friendly (no tagging etc). I'm using J River to rip into FLAC with "check audio" selected which I think is American for check file integrity after ripping. So far only a few of my discs required re-checking according to the rip log, and to be fair they are scratched to the point where my car player wouldnt. I am not sure how accurate the error correction is in iTunes, but I presume it does the same / similar thing.....
Don't know, but use the event mode for WASAPI. If it works without stuttering then I guess it works...