£3k and what to buy????


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Need (want!!!) a new CD player / Amp. Would like to go for a 'one make' solution - yeah, I'm sure someone will say the sound is what matters but spending that much money it would be nice to have something that looked the part too. From what I have read Roksan Caspian and the Primare (31) kit sounds a good place to start but am also curious about Cyrus (are they ever going to release the new SE CD player?) With Cyrus I guess I could go for the CD / Amp and a PSX - does the PSX really deliver a step change in sound?
Any ideas welcome!!!
If the 3K is for Amp/ CD player only, what speakers are you using?
Much as I'm a Linnie, I must admit to agreeing with JohnDuncan on this one, Primare is certainly the best place to start listening. Depending on musical tastes and speakers you could also consider Cyrus, Densen and Naim as demo ideas.
Have a listen to the MF A5.5 duo too. They are absolute beasts.
JohnDuncan:Ah but the knobs, fr0g, the knobs..............

S0D the knobs! 🙂 The combo sounds amazing. I would have had a CD-1 had it had a digital in.

And I just found out that my amp only uses 1.5 Watts on standby! Just call me Green Fr0g.
Green Fr0g. Didn't you say once that you never switch off your amps
JAXON5:Green Fr0g. Didn't you say once that you never switch off your amps

Exactly...! ™)
Why not ditch the CDP and go for the Logitech Transporter and a Home Media Server/PC. I reckon that'll leave you £1K to £1.3K for your amp.
PJPro:Why not ditch the CDP and go for the Logitech Transporter and a Home Media Server/PC. I reckon that'll leave you £1K to £1.3K for your amp.

The cyrus 8vs2 and psx is very good. You wont get any more audible power but it will lower the noise floor and you'll perceive more detail, separation etc. Same if connected to the CDP. If your not strapped for cash its probably worth waiting for the new one though one thing I have come to learn over the years is to avoid buying version 1 of a product. That way any software/hardware glitches should be ironed out. Whether this applies to the new cyrus cdp, I dont know. Its hardly new technology for them and the usp this time is simply a slot loading mechanism. Anyway, the 8 components match well with Rega if you dont have speakers.

If you want to save some cash you should also consider AVI's ADM9. They are awesome for the money with much more power than the cyrus'es but they sound different so audition first as with anything.
JohnDuncan:Ooo and they have an ex-dem pair in Sevenoaks next door

(disagree on the looks though..............)

Aesthetics are obviously subjective but *** in to Sevenoaks and see if you can fondle the aluminium fascia and turn that bead blasted knob........
Naim Nait 5i CD and amp with a nice pair of Neat speakers. Cable up with NAC-A5 and some Van Damme interconnect, and still have a bit left to spend on adding more music to your collection.
matthewpiano:and some Van Damme interconnectNo need. Naim supply one of their interconnects with the CD player...even more money saved 🙂

Alternatively the Rega CD players work extremely well with Naim amps. Try the Apollo - it punches considerably above its weight. Absolutely stunning IMO. You could afford a Saturn but I think the Apollo is better. Given them both a listen and see what you think.
£3K? You could get a seriously good set up which way to go however depending on what kind of music you listening to the most?.

Are you keeping Epos 5? if yes then I would be looking to spend less than £3k.
Will keep them for now but I know I will need to upgrade to get the most benefit. Guess I need to budget around £1000 - 1500 to get the benefit. That said I am still so impressed with the Epos speakers - for the price I think there is little to touch them.

So far Primare seems to get a few votes but am always suprised that their kit never seems to be in any of the Magazine group tests despite them being 2006 Winners at their price bracket. Any reasons? Can hardly pick up a copy without Niam or Cyrus reviews. Will have a look at some of the other suggestions posted.
We'll always review anything, but Primare seems reluctant for its kit to get reviewed against newer rivals. Shame, as it's great (well, apart from the I31, which was a step back from the I30 - but then Primare acknowledged that by canning the I31...)
3k is lot money and there you find different "flavours".

Do you like the detail or the warm as example?

Audio Analogue is nice but then too you may like different like the Cyrus.

Listen with your ears.


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