£300 Beginner Start-Up Set


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all, I've just been given £300 by our government in tax-back (truly stunned!) and I'm thinking of getting some audio equipment to go with my PC. My current set up is USB audio going to a Tascam US-144mkII external recording/playback soundcard, which then goes to an ancient (1982 I believe) amplifier, which is a Pioneer SA-530. This goes to a pair of 'bookshelf' (I think thats the right term) AIWA speakers, which I can't find on the net, they're ancient too, think they're SX-NDP54's.

The set-up certainly isn't great, and I was wondering if £300 (or maybe just over 😛) would be enough to improve on this to a good extent. I'm guessing I'll need a new amp, new speakers, and maybe a new 'DAC'. The new amp would need to be switchable to a seperate audio source, as I've just ordered a Ferguson USB Turntable to play my parents old records on (and maybe some new ones if the sound is right!). I'm also wondering what exactly a pre-amp is for, and if I'd need one? (The Ferguson turntable apparently has one built in).

I listen almost exclusively to rock/punk/metal/alternative music, from the 1970's (The Jam, The Sex Pistols, The Clash) through the 1980's with Joy Division, Rage Against The Machine, Nirvana, through to more modern stuff like At The Drive In, Tool, Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead and the Manics. The speakers would be on a desk, possibly against a wall, or possibly in a bay window which usually has the curtains drawn. I tend to listen to music at my computer desk, so I probably need 'nearfield' speakers, though occasionally I'll turn the volume up to fill the room a bit and stand/sit back to listen to it. I also would need a headphone port, as I have a pair of Grado SR60i's.

So to simplify the question, can £300 get me something decent for my computer/turntable to play music through? And if not, how much more money am I looking at? If you've read this far, thanks for reading, and hopefully thanks for your reply!
Hi Jameisus

is it too late to 'un-order' the Ferguson turntable? I think if you're even a little bit serious about enjoying those vintage records and having any chance of recording them to mp3 or whatever, you should consider spending some of that money on a better turntable. Though I haven't checked, I suspect the Pioneer amp has a 'phono' input for connection of a turntable, and you already have headphones, so you're most of the way there. I can't comment on a new DAC, but I definitely think for your records and ears' sake, you should think about it. Something from the Pro-Ject range will be suitable.

Good luck and by the way, as regards the return of your stolen money - nice one!!
Hello jameisus,

I just recently purcahsed an HRT streamer II which I have found out is a very good DAC with just a USB input. They cost about £140 delivered. you could up grade your speakers to a pair of Whafedale diamond 9.1 's available from superfi for £99 ( excellent speakers) or even the Roth Oli 1's which I rate very highly ( only £79)....................if the amp is performing well maybe upgrade it later if you fancy...the Fatman Itube amp on its own would make an excellent addition to your computer setup.......£129


So to simplify the question, can £300 get me something decent for my computer/turntable to play music through? And if not, how much more money am I looking at? If you've read this far, thanks for reading, and hopefully thanks for your reply!

So the answer is

HRT music streamer II £140

Roth Oli 1 £79

Fatman itube amp only £129 or a decent Denon PMA 250 A second hand on ebay for £50

Total £349 with Fatman or £269 with Denon

For a nice PC orientated amp, I'd look for a second hand Creek 4040 series 2 on fleabay. It really is a good amp to take the edge of digital files and has a really rich ,midrange which makes strings sound really good. they pop up online quite regularly for no more than £60 or a tad more for original packaging/manuals etc. They are quite compact, have a lovely wood outer case and can happily churn out 35 'proper' watts. (also have surprisingly good phono stages for your turntable).

For speakers I'd go with some trusty Wharfedale Diamond 9.1's or 10.0's if space is an issue. Probably a touch over £100 if you shop around for either.

As for a DAC I'd go with something a bit older as you like punk/rock, and newer DAC's, although technically superior sound very 'smooth' and well balanced and some people (me included) like the more aggresive-lively sound of older generations of dacs. Some people say they sound to harsh but if you pair them with the right kit (creek being a good example) you can get a good balance and more exciting type of sound. I have an Arcam Black box DAC circa 1990 and love it. I think you might want to read up on dacs and have a browse on ebay etc. If in doubt you can always go for something like a musical fidelity V-DAC, £150, its a really compact little thing that simply does the job and is doesn't lean towards any particular type of sound.
I would keep the amp as so long it has no faults there is a serious retro amp following on the forum. You could get a DAC/headphone amp from Firestone Audio or Beresford and then spend the rest on speakers. Or use the headphone out on the amp and get the HRT and spend more on speakers. The speakers will make the biggest difference of any kit change you can do.
Agree with idc. Keep the Pioneer as long as it is working fine. Look for speakers first. You may even decide to purchase some active speakers, therefore you wouldn't need the amp. If the amps no good (cracking vol. or something) then go second hand first but if that fails go for something new like the Nad C326BEE or Marantz PM6003.
I think V-DAC might be better than HRT Steamer

V DAC costs less also at GBP141 delivered to UK address.

I think V-DAC might be better than HRT Steamer

V DAC costs less also at GBP141 delivered to UK address.

Is this mild speculation or do you own either of the items,you have after all said " I think" which sound like you don't really know. I had my HRT delivered for £145 which would give a saving of £4........

Better is a weird word anyway......how about " you could also look at the V - DAC as an option...."



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