£200 Upgrade help


New member
Apr 1, 2009
System - Marantz CD6000OSE, NAD 325bee, Camb Audio Dab, Celestion F1, QED Silver Bi Wire

I am looking at upgrading an element within my system, improve quality of inputs while possibly trying to warm the sound a little, find the Marantz a little bright. So far have considered inputting a dac into the setup, as looking at using online streams and itunes a bit more in future too.

I have approx £200 to spend, where should I start, is the dac a worthwhile investment (Beresford or camb audio)?

any thoughts much appreciated.
i had the qed silver anniversary and changed to chord silverscreen, found that that is a little warmer. night be worth trying to get a loan of some.
It's an extremely worthwhile investment, however that is me talking about the beresford dac, can't comment on the dacmagic having near heard it before.
I find that the Beresford TC-7520 gives a warm, almost vinyl-like sound. Even more so with the LM4562NA upgrade.


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