Recent content by ivang666

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    cyrus advice

    using 2 x power, was planning to get rid of the 8a
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    cyrus advice

    currently with the cyrus cdi and the 8a, considering changing to the cd xt signature cd and the dac xp signature, can anybody offer advice on this being a finacially worthwhile upgrade?.
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    cyrus advice tad confused

    hi all, cuurrently using cyrus cdi, 8a amp, psx-r, with kef 100s,(sound is superb) heres my confusion, the cdi has a 32 bit dac inside, cyrus recommend that it is connected to a 8 2dac amp which has a 24bit dac, how would this upgrade my sound if it is a lower spec dac than that of the cd...
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    Adding non Cyrus dac to a Cyrus system

    Hi all currently using a Cyrus cdi, 8a amp and a psx, is it possible to connect a non Cyrus dac to my amp?or is this a big no no
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    bi wiring help

    when you are bi wiring at the speaker should the red and black go to the high frequency terminal and the white and green to the low frequency terminal, or does it matter? using kef100s and cyrus 6a
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    please help me on 4k

    yes have sky hd
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    please help me on 4k

    planning to purchase a new 4k tv with hdmi 2.0 as well as a new 4k bluray player,should i connect the sky+ or the player player to the 2.0 for picture quality?
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    cyrus help

    hi,some help if possible,currently using kef r300, cdi with psx-r, 6a amp,wanting to know can i bi amp to my 6a,if so is this difficult,do you split the speaker cable over both amps as the diagrams suggest?what should i buy cyrus x power?,this bi amping has me flustered,can somebody put me on...
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    cyrus cdi

    im considering upgrading my arcam cd 17,and was wanting to know if anyone has an opinion on this player,was also looking at the cyrus 8 cd se2,but believe the cdi is an improvement over this model,also should i use my own arcam dac with the cdi or rely on the 32 bit dac within the cyrus?.all...
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