Your views on Ayre C5xeMP vs. Esoteric X-03 SE


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi, will be auditioning the Esoteric X-03 SE in a day or two and would possibly (or even probably) buy it. But before I do it, I'd like to know if anyone has any views on how the X-03 SE compares with Ayre C5xeMP. I'm a little lazy to drive down to KL to listen to the latter. I know it's down to a matter of taste but I'd still like to know what you guys think.
Until last weekend I had the Ayre and sold it for a rather more expensive player. Even some of the ones I compared to my new machine didn't give me some of the magic I loved about the Ayre, until I found the Gryphon.

The Ayre has solidity and punch, with a musicality to it - and I know the Esoteric players are pretty popular, but personally didn't do much for me.

As ever, it's a case of listen .... to know for sure .......
i think youve probably moved above the range of this forum jtein

id have no idea but why not give the sony scd-xa5400es a listen too while your down in the big smoke not to mention the marantz sa-7si both companies make top players the equal of the more esoteric brands and usually a bit cheaper

edit i was going to add excepting for bigair
the esoteric x-03 se uses the vrds transport - the best in the world.
Last week I heard the Esoteric SA-60 together with Audionote Meishu SET amp driving the Avantgarde Uno G2. Well, it blew me away. I'm figuring that if the SA-60 already sound so good, what more the X-03 SE which uses an aluminium tray for the CD/SACDs and of course, the massively engineered VRDS transport as sflam mentioned.

Anyway, the source is pretty much easier for me to decide on. So I'll save all my time and energy for auditioning the speakers. If I choose to go for the Avantgarde, it will dictate which amp I'll need to get since it has a sensitivity of 104dB. So pure class A SET amps are a good match for it. If I go for the Magico V2 which has a whole different approach to musical realism, I'd need to set my sights on Spectral or Soulution amps which really open up the Magicos. I thought I'd ask which route I should take, but after what one off has mentioned, I'd better not.


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