I love my Arcam A38 - it recevied loads of praise when it was launched but as with most hifi it soon goes quiet on news and recommendations as other manufacturers release newer kit.
I have heard a handful of integrateds (naim, marantz, cyrus, cambridge audio, linn) at this price range (albeit note i purchased early on at £1100 when it was being discounted - now its more like £1600 - the price of a lot of hifi i note has gone up significantly over the last 3/4 years on amps and speakers especially - even for the same models) .
Anyway the Arcam is the 3rd amp by the company i have owned (A32 and A70 before) and this one is by far my favourite. Still has the comfortable sound of Arcam (i just dont like overly bright amps - Cyrus and Cambridge Audio) but this Arcam has more sparkle and clarity than the older A32 had and has amazing bass depth. One of its major pluses is its soundstage presentation and its depth and solidity of bass. Also i just like the style of it (in black) and the green display too.
I also separately bought an old style smaller black Arcam remote control to use with it and the cd - sad but true.
If i were to go buying an integrated amp now with the same money i still think i would end up with the Arcam, it just suits me sir. The Naim is another one i like, i felt it ran the Arcam close but the soundstage was more expansive with the Arcam and a bit more closed in on the Naim - still the latter has great rhythm. I do think the all in one Naim systems are great value though and may have been a viable alternative if i went into hifi from cold right now.
I love my set up - have done for 3 years with no sign of changing. The new Arcam dac is a new item and is superb too and i am a big fan of all the Neat Motive speakers. Certainly other set ups will match what i have, but i cant say for my taste i have heard any better. The one amp i have always wanted to try is Unico Research - i just have never had a local stockist to hear one.