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the record spot

Hi PP - I was taken aback by how good that setup was - this was the HK990 amp (too neutral in the wrong system, could sound too flat which some like but I think most wouldn't, amazing build though and enough power to run a small town), Dali Ikon 5s but the HD990 CDP was a winner - detailed, full without being too bloomy or warm, but not crisp or clinical either. Could've listened to it for hours. DAC input option too so you can put a digital source through it if that takes your fancy sometime.

EDIT: Just did a quick check and Pixmania have it for £249 - and they do a 15 day money back guarantee, which is a great deal.

HiWay Hi Fi have it for £275 on sale, but I'd avoid them like the plague. I'd asked them about trying out an HK990 a couple of years back as their Returns info states you can only return if the goods are unused and they'd come back to say "sorry, we can't help you here". Their loss. Totally flouts the DSRs which gives you the right to open and inspect or even try out the goods as long as reasonable care is taken.

Pixmania is the no-brainer if you decide to give this player a spin for both price and risk-free try-at-home option. Am almost tempted myself, but happy with the Denon!!

EDIT2: Pixmania site has £13 shipping fee, so your outlay would be £262. Still a good price though.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
Pixmania are a French company & often supply European versions of products, often requiring a replacement mains lead or adapter & have no English manual. They don't have the greatest rep for customer service either so do your research on them if contemplating placing an order.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2007
PP, having owned both the CD73T and the Apollo at one time or another I think you'll find the Rega gives you greater clarity in the mid-range where the Arcam can get a bit thick sounding at times, and you'll also get a more rhythmic, toe-tapping sound. Both machines are very capable but I do think you'll find the Rega to be a worthwhile upgrade. Will be very interested to read your thoughts once you have spent some time trying it out.


the record spot said:
Hi PP - I was taken aback by how good that setup was - this was the HK990 amp (too neutral in the wrong system, could sound too flat which some like but I think most wouldn't, amazing build though and enough power to run a small town), Dali Ikon 5s but the HD990 CDP was a winner - detailed, full without being too bloomy or warm, but not crisp or clinical either. Could've listened to it for hours. DAC input option too so you can put a digital source through it if that takes your fancy sometime.

EDIT: Just did a quick check and Pixmania have it for £249 - and they do a 15 day money back guarantee, which is a great deal.

HiWay Hi Fi have it for £275 on sale, but I'd avoid them like the plague. I'd asked them about trying out an HK990 a couple of years back as their Returns info states you can only return if the goods are unused and they'd come back to say "sorry, we can't help you here". Their loss. Totally flouts the DSRs which gives you the right to open and inspect or even try out the goods as long as reasonable care is taken.

Pixmania is the no-brainer if you decide to give this player a spin for both price and risk-free try-at-home option. Am almost tempted myself, but happy with the Denon!!

EDIT2: Pixmania site has £13 shipping fee, so your outlay would be £262. Still a good price though.
How could you tell that those qualities were soley down to the CDP?

Al ears

Well-known member
If you do not get on with the Rega then this one listed below has had a few rave reviews and, as its a direct sell, you get a 3 week home trial period.

the record spot

XTZ is a great choice; just off the back of a 5 globe review in HiFi World and a glowing one at that.

Max - that's a fair question and at thr time I heard it with two other amps in the same demo: the Exposure 3010 and, of perhaps more interest to PP, the Leema Pulse amp. The sound between the leema and HK was similar but the former edged it. The Exposure came third to my tastes, but each time the qualities were similar and I used my own discs.

Of course the speakers play a part too, and as most of us suggest in here, demoing in one's own system is ideal if possible. But the HD990 was impressive.
Thanks to RS, MP and the others.

I'll certainly report back as and when it's collected (little'un has to be picked up from the ma-in-laws first).

Rega, for some time, has been one of those brands I've been itching to hear. Harking back to my previous post I'm genuinely hoping it'll match the recommendations, although not expecting 'night and day' differences. So hope I've got my expectations levels right...
the record spot said:
XTZ is a great choice; just off the back of a 5 globe review in HiFi World and a glowing one at that.

Max - that's a fair question and at thr time I heard it with two other amps in the same demo: the Exposure 3010 and, of perhaps more interest to PP, the Leema Pulse amp. The sound between the leema and HK was similar but the former edged it. The Exposure came third to my tastes, but each time the qualities were similar and I used my own discs.

Of course the speakers play a part too, and as most of us suggest in here, demoing in one's own system is ideal if possible. But the HD990 was impressive.

Interesting observation about the Exposure. When I dem'd the 2010S, before the Leema, the Exposure had a fabulous attacking, controlled sound. Basically, the 2010S did everything the Arcam doesn't (if that makes sense), minus any brittleness. In fact, I would put it closer to the CD192 in terms of verve and detail. But rarely see one at the right price.

With the benefit of hindsight I really wished I'd bought it there and then.

Still maintain the Arcam is still very impressive, but (and big BUT) when you start connecting it with a lot better amps (Kandy LIII, Cyrus, Naim, Leema) its deficiencies are exposed at times.

NB: Still amazed how good that tuner is, despite being very wrinkly.
Got the Apollo home. It's out of the box and oh folly... it's black. Blast!

Looks quite nice though. Surprisingly the space ship lid isn't as high as expected. So far, colour aside, it looks promising.

Anyhow I've been told to give it a couple of hours to warm up as it hasn't been used for a long while.

Report back later.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
I did wonder why they'd used a pic of a silver unit when selling black. But then such laziness seems quite common.
John Duncan said:
plastic penguin said:
It's out of the box and oh folly... it's black. Blast!

That's OK, it matches nearly everything else. You just need a new amp.

You're right. I'll buy a black Pulse next week :dance:

Aaaanyway, cut my teeth with Rega electronics. Nice. Nothing to dislike about it. Won't go into anymore detail at the mo because I've only listened, between the footie, to about 4 tracks and haven't switched to the Arcam yet. Suffice to say what's really struck me *early doors* is the separation.

And tonally very good indeed. Fabulous match with Leema/MAs.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
Make sure you leave it on standby, as I think CDPs can take a lot longer to properly heat up from cold, than people realise.


New member
Aug 21, 2009
John Duncan said:
plastic penguin said:
It's out of the box and oh folly... it's black. Blast!

That's OK, it matches nearly everything else. You just need a new amp.

I suppose the photos will now have to wait until it all matches! :roll:


New member
Aug 21, 2009
plastic penguin said:
I'm always happy (mainly).

Not done any testing today. Spent most of it at ma-in-laws. I've got the Rega warming up again and I'll post my findings tomorrow. :)

Always mainly happy is what I aspire to!
There's usually a long pause while the jury goes out to decide, hence why I've been slightly coy in my earlier posts.

Must say Mrs. P and little'un were oohing and aahing when they first clapped eyes on the Rega's quirky looks and even quirkier lid.

(Like to add that out of all the different hi-fi components I've heard or owned, I've the least experience with CDPs. The Arcam is only the 2nd one owned).

Back to the business end and the sound:

Once switched on the Rega had a whiff of familiarity but couldn't really pin an explanation, but I'll come back to that later. However, it sounded very impressive straight from the off; the bass is nice and tight and digs out extra detail. When it comes to more complex tracks, something like 'Purple Haze' by Hendrix or a track from the album 'Heroes' by The Coldstream Guards ('Where Eagles Dare' theme, or 'Ride of the Valkyries'...) it seems to have slightly more organised sound... very cohesive. The Rega seemed to have a little extra in practically every area over the Arcam, especially midrange vocals which were a little more expressive.

As a little test I got Mrs. P involved. She was stroking the cat and just going along with my endeavours. I played one track (Breakfast in America by Supertramp) on the Rega and then immediately switched over to the Arcam. I didn't tell her which one was which and asked her which CD she preferred - effectively, to err indoors, it was a blind test. "I like that one" she said decisively. "That one" was the Arcam.

"Why do you prefer that one?"

"Sounds slightly smoother. Can't really put my finger on why, it just sounds more pleasant..." It was pretty much my conclusion. And here's why:

Technically the Rega is more accomplished and slightly more refined machine. Nevertheless the Arcam has a scintilla of "plump" to the bass. This leads me back to the beginning of the post and the "whiff of familiarity" bit.

Quite late saturday night we had the Rega playing and I went to the kitchen to make a drink. Suddenly the music changed abruptly. She had put the tuner on. then it hit me: The Rega and Marantz tuner sounded *tonally* almost identical, albeit the Rega had a bit more oomph. After some additional experiementing and playing the same tracks on the Sony DVDR, this whole jigsaw fell into place: Damn speakers.

Yes, the RS6 are the culprits. When the tuner and Rega are played the music has a metallicy edge to the presentation. But the Arcam and Sony, with a slight rolled-off bass or bloom, eliminates the top-end trait of the RS6s.

So all my energies (and money) will be going into new speakers. Once I've achieved that then the Rega Saturn beckons me thinks, or something in that region.

Conclusion: Rega Apollo fabulous machine, not recommended with MA RS6 speakers.


New member
Feb 16, 2009
Argh! Right into the heffalump trap! :grin:

Round and round the upgrade goes; where it stops no-one knows! Enjoy the next phase of your quest...just make sure your ideal speaker sound comes from a pair that has finishes other than 'piano black'. ;)


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