yamaha pianocraft amplifier


New member
Feb 25, 2014
hi, I'am new to this forum.

I read a lot about the yamaha pianocraft systems. In all what I read the system is reviewed as a system. I want opinions about the amplifier. The story why: I bought a second hand yamaha e320. for fun I put it in my main system with a cd transport/dac combi and my main speakers. So I only used the amp of the pianocraft system. And I liked it verry much. I used to have a Sugden A28 and changed it for a digital Topping amp which was far more open, detailed and bright. And now this little one beats that one hands down! Now I am looking for an amp comparable with the pianocraft amp. But there are no reviews comparing other amps with the pianocraft amp.

I have no money buying new so it is hard to audition second hand amps in comparison. That's why I'am curious about other opinions.




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