Yamaha MT220 Stereo Headphone Review


New member
Dec 7, 2011
My review of the Yamaha MT220 - I got a hot tip on this headphone which is moderately priced, but sounds like £400 or $500 depending on which side of the Pond you reside.



dalethorn, has it got more bass the AKG K550/1 please? Thanks.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
ShannonNyquist said:
dalethorn, has it got more bass the AKG K550/1 please? Thanks.

I wish I knew - I haven't heard the 550 series personally, but I've read every review possible (especially headfonia and the many, many comments there), and from everything I understand, I would say the 550 and the MT220 are probably very similar.

I'll give a few examples of what I've compared to, either directly or through notes and test results:

The bass is neutral in the sense of the Sennheiser 800 (i.e. good quality and holds up well down deep), and thankfully it does not have any particular weaknesses low down like the Shure 1840.

The mids are the special quality for me - with my first long listen after a dozen hours of breaking in, my impressions were very positive about the tonalities and realism, which based on the many headphones I've had in this price range, the MT220 is unique. I go down the list with these things, checking past reviews I have stacked up to see where I found something this musically accurate for $225 USD (I saw a listing on Amazon UK for about £135). I have the Sennheiser HD380 Pro and the KRK 8400, and have had the ATH M50 as well as the Senn Amperior and Momentum, and while some of those have more bass 'kick' or impact or warmth than the MT220, the MT220 mids just make those others unlistenable for me.

The MT220 treble has very slightly less output overall than the mids, but that didn't create an impression of a 'forward' or 'distant' sound for me, but it did affect the impression of soundstage. I still think days later (still listening) that most people will find it acceptable as is, but I'd suggest a slight tuneup if the soundstage seems less than the best for a closed headphone.


Many thanks dalethorn, most useful. If anyone can do a direct comparison with the K550/1, I'd also be grateful. Thanks.