Xiva Musicm8 help needed


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2007
right i bought the above after reading everywhere that this was a straight out of the box product that was simple to use

well I'm stuck - have the unit connected up to my router and squeezebox can see it and can find it listed - click on music8 and says the software is not up to date - log on to music8 using my intranet and can fine the squeeze Center tag and it says there that there is a newer version 7.5.1 but I can't find anywhere any info on how to update the version on the musicm8 so i have a very expensive paperweight currently - any help greatly appreciated - thanks
thats says updated to squeezecenter 7.4.1 but the touch says that the software needs updating not a happy bunny rightnow!

guess touch is running 7.5.1 but the musicm8 is running 7.4.1 so they are incompatible
have googled everything and also posted questions on the squeezebox support page so hoping someone has an answer but just wasted 5 hours trying to sort it - could have just set up a nas drive by now but thought this would be a better solution for my lounge
well it appears that it is def down to the software/firmware - the touch only operates at 7.5.0 now 7.5.1 and the Musicm8 is currently only running 7.4.1 so doesn't work and can't communicate - can't beleive that you can't just update the squeezebox software yourself instead of waiting for them to release a firmware update - have emailed Xiva for update on the issue and when they will be updating their firmware to allow Squeeze Center 7.5.1 to run on their machine - this is so basic I don't want to be running a machine thats 6 months behind everything else!

will update when i get a response if I still have it!
If only there was a small, shiny silver disc which contained music and all you had to do was pop it in a drawer and press play...

just as an update the Xiva Musicm8 is not compatible with the latest version of Squeezecenter yet so the latest squeezebox device the touch does not work with this machine - if you currently have one and are using it with any Squeezecenter device do not update your device or squeezecenter to the latest 7.5.1 firmware - this unit only works up to 7.4.1 the touch utilises functionality with the 7.5.0 firmware and can't be downgraded to make it work so as far as a plug and play device that works with all squeezecenters it simply doesn't - i doubt I'm the first person to come across this so they could at least place warnings on the Musicm8 website as not compatible with the touch

Called Xavi customers support who said that it wouldn't work, the machine does not run the latest Squeezecenter software and couldn't give me any date as to when the fix maybe introduced and that was down to the American developers, this is really basic stuff.

Support from retailer has been fantastic though, they have organised collection for tomorrow!


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