Windows question (NAS related)


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Aug 10, 2019
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My new set-up of Sonos S5 with the Linkstation Live is working fine on the sound side of things. I recently updated both the unit and the Buffalo 'NASNavigator' firmwares. And since that it has achieved rather mixed results: it seems to be a lot more stable in that the device doesn't disconnect from my home network anymore, but I also also have trouble moving files across (wirelessly) from my laptop or external HDD onto the NAS drive.

It can 'see' the Linkstation and all its shares and folders, but the problem comes when copying files. Everythings seems fine and the first few files get copied then Windows takes over and I get a pop-up mentioning that "... I may not have access rights, please contact [my] network administrator... blah blah blah".

Would anyone IT proficient people be kind enough to direct me in the right direction please? I have Admin rights on my laptop and I believe the NAS is set up correctly, it is also up-to-date f/w wise. Thanks

Edit: I am using XP SP3 as my OS.


Any ideas anyone? It probably is down to human error in the set-up but I'm determined to get this thing to work.


There must be people around with more knowledge, but I wonder if the first few files even make it (there is probably a write buffer).It could indeed be that you have the settings wrong, but it could also be something else:

I assume you already did a reset on the NAS? A NAS is also a computer, running some simple (linuxy) OS with its own definitions of hd storage access rights (depending on who/what program created a file or folder). That you have admin rights on your pc does not mean that you have the same rights on the NAS drive. It could be that another process running on the NAS 'owns' the share or folder that you want to write to, and denies any changes. A reset then may help. Or connect to the drive using ftp (eg using WS_ftp), and if needed login as admin so that you can delete files/folders, or change rights and start anew. But I could be wrong!


Yup, sounds like a rights/permissions issue. Are you/your laptop set up as a user, and what permissions does it/you have. It may have read permission, but not write. That way you would be able to "see" the folders/files, but not be able to add anything. It may also have a disk quota assigned to it and it is exceeding it, but you might see a different error hinting at that sort of issue. The error you mention sounds like permissions haven't been assigned 100% properly.


Acciesboy:Yup, sounds like a rights/permissions issue. Are you/your laptop set up as a user, and what permissions does it/you have. It may have read permission, but not write. That way you would be able to "see" the folders/files, but not be able to add anything. It may also have a disk quota assigned to it and it is exceeding it, but you might see a different error hinting at that sort of issue. The error you mention sounds like permissions haven't been assigned 100% properly.

I think the rights permission is the issue here. Unfortunately I cannot get much help from tech support via the Buffalo forums so I'm gonna have to wait till the morning when they reopen hopefully. If I can't this to work by the end of the week, it is going back to Amazon, I'm wasting too much time on this when I should be just enjoying the music.

John Duncan

Well-known member
Sounds like a rights issue on the NAS rather than on the PC. I've had issues with having to set up rights to sub-directories as well as directories on a network drive. Are you able to see the drive in windows explorer or are you only able to look at it via a Buffalo utility?

John Duncan

Well-known member
For example (whether this is your product or not, it's a Linkstation):

"Additional shares can be added and made available as Windows-only, MacOS-only or both. Share controls are shown in Figure 2 and 3 and include the ability to set User (Win and MacOS) and Group level (Win only) permissions. Read or Read / Write permission can be controlled at the share level only - not to Users or Groups. I also found that the Read / Writable setting appears only when you edit a share, but not while it's being created. Note that you can't set quotas on shares, users or groups.

The Giga's share permission scheme doesn't allow nested shares and therefore you won't get into the permissions problems that nested folders can create. You can, of course, create nested folders in the shares themselves - you just can't set permissions on them."

Which sounds a bit of a 'mare if you're copying over nested folders?


JohnDuncan:Sounds like a rights issue on the NAS rather than on the PC. I've had issues with having to set up rights to sub-directories as well as directories on a network drive. Are you able to see the drive in windows explorer or are you only able to look at it via a Buffalo utility?

Both actually. "Seeing" the drive and its share folders is not the problem.

Buffalo use that Web Admin interface for advanced settings (like users and network, etc.). I have a problem accessing some of the options. As "described" to the best of my ability on the Buffalo forums:

I have (just) discovered after adding myself as a Local User that I cannot set Access Restrictions in the Web Admin settings.

I use IE8 as browser (tried Safari too and same result).

When ticking the option to set Access Restrictions, I choose "Local Users" > Add (+). Then in the bottom left corner of my browser all I get is the little yellow triangle and "Done. Errors on page" message.

I'm not sure this is the right direction to try to solve my overall problem, but this is getting more and more frustrating...


JohnDuncan:momo72:all I get is the little yellow triangle and "Done. Errors on page" message. What are the errors? Double click the little yellow triangle...

Sorry for the delayed reply (been busy embedding artcover lately :) ). Errors were "unrecognised characters" of some sort. I do get it on these forums (fora?) from time to time. It's all good though, I have the laptop hardwired to the router/modem and it's holding much better. Long may it continue *touch wood*


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