Will airport express connect with ATV2??


New member
May 10, 2010
Hi all, apple airport express is on its way. The idea is to plug in wall socket in either bedroom or conservatory, then from audio out to either a powered speaker/dock etc... So i can stream from iphone or laptop,Will the airport connect wirelessly to my apple tv to extend my network? Or does the airport have to be plugged into Router/Modem? Apple tv2 is hard wired Ethernet into Router/Modem at present.

Msny thanks
Thanks John,

Can always rely on you.


Im definitely going to buy an IPH10011 speaker dock. Listened to one yesterday and sounded ok. I will upgrade the drivers in it at some point and for around £40-£50 it seems ok. Il plug it in, in my conservatory and connect to AE so I can stream to ATV & AE at same time.
My iPod/iPhone speaker dock is now on way, quick question to all, if I'm streaming to apple tv thru my amp can I Bluetooth pair to a dock Bluetooth receiver fitted to my new speaker dock so both play same music, mayb a cheaper way if it works rather than use AE which I can re sell on!!


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