Why must we buy a TV with a fancy sound system to get the best picture quality?


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2021
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well ,i have to say that here where everybody likes music was a easy answer but i can explain ,allthough i don´t have a AV receiver i have big cheap speakers from pioneer and a pioneer receiver from 76 (sx-838)and a equalizer to see dvd concerts

now blue-ray starts to appear and i have a big colection of dvd´s of concerts also have paid channels like iconcerts not only and like to watch everything related with music with perfect sound, i have counted only recorded dvds downloaded from internet and copy´s of original ones taking out the menus as the sound and video always at 100% of it´s quality ,

in the city biblioteque they buy concerts that i can take home and copy them so i have 5x 90 dvds boxes with documentaries videos and concerts, movies i have 3 ,but were left there by a friend and untill 2014 i had a big wide sony crt tv,

only two years ago when i bought a smart tv i put the previous one in the film or concert room, but in the living room i had the need of a fiber optical cable to put the sound on my ES-2000 pioneer system from 1974 with two extra celestion ditton from 1970 with a strong and never seen other so powerfull loudness as in the receiver from the ES-2000 system, better finished than all components in the 74 catalog, also the turntable looks a lot better and bigger than the pl-12 or pl-15D, doesn´t shed and it´s made of wood and metal only a few bits are from a hard plastic or baquelite

the fiber optical cable was easy i have a sony minidisc deck with monitor it appears in the display AD-DA but can put the input in digital with the provided cable and from the minidisc to the receiver with regular rca´s in stereo,

what a great sound ,i have friends that spent a lot of money on surround systems and they complain of not having the sound i have and the receiver as matrix 4 and in the brochure in 74 said Incredible surround!

I only in 2018 i saw for the first time the brochure for sale in Ireland as my system was bought in japan in 74 and still have the boxes and by it´s side as the instructions,etc. but in japanese characteres it unfoalds like toilet papper, so a fancy sound system to increase the picture quality? no ,a cheap ,well not cheap in 1974 but to me was free


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