Why is my TV sound out of sync?!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have just bought a Samsung LE32R88 and have the following problem....

I have the audio running out of the back of my Sky+ box and into my stereo. The problem is that the sound coming through the stereo is slightly out of sync with the sound coming out of the tv speakers. Of course I can mute the TV sound but it's good to have it on for a bit more depth.

I thought originally that there must be a processing delay in the TV so changed the sound output to be directly from the tv to the stereo rather than from the Sky+ box but it didn't make any difference. Despite the sound originating from the same source (i.e. the tv) it was still out of sync between the tv speakers and the stereo.

I am at a loss as to what to do next - any ideas?!

does your TV have SRS sound or pro logic? If so, turn them off.
It's really hard to say - the delay is tiny. If I had to guess I'd say that it's the TV that is behind but I could be wrong. Why - do you have a solution if the amp is behind?! In fairness, the sound is going through a lot more componentry and cables before it comes out of the stereo speakers than before it comes out of the tv speakers...
My Samsung PS50Q97HDX does the same thing. There does not appear to be any delay introduced by the screen to the phono outputs, even if it is introducing one for use with it's own inbuilt speakers. Bummer and haven't been able to figure out how to stop it.
Sky to tv via Scart, Sky to amp via normal phono cables (3.5mm jack)
My Sky box is currently Hooked up to my plasma via a RGB only scart at the moment but I have one fullywired at home, so I will hook up my equipment in the same configuration as you and let you know the results.
DJKrime - thanks very much, this sort of thing really annoys me so I'm hoping there is a solution out there!

By the way richardjlarby - I tried turning off the sound features, no difference... thanks though
Like wise these thing do my head in. I dont usually use the tv for sound but I'm very interested to see if I get the same as you have with the delay.
I have just bought after seeing the review on What HIFI the Samsung PS50Q97HDX and a Samsung HTTX35.They are connected to each other via a HDMI cable and an optical cable. I also have a Humax PVR9200 connected via scart to the TV.

I am getting a sync problem between picture and audio when I try and view digital tv via the TV's freeview and surround sound is turned on. The picture is a full 1 second or so faster than the sound via the surround system. It is not constant. It will be alright once you turn it on and for a minute or so then you hear a "click" coming from the surround speakers then the sound is out. It goes in and out of sync every couple of minutes. If you swap channels the same thing happens - alright for first minute or so then out of sync. It doesn't do it if I watch digital television with surround via the HUMAX, presumably as its via scart. DVD's are also fine. I assume its something to do with the HDMI/Optical arrangement.
I had the same problem with my sky HD box and new plasma screen.

You need to go into the sevices>setup>sound on your sky box and alter the delay settings. I had to change mine to 180 and now it's perfect sync.


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