Fair enough (I was right though). Of course, a certain hifi dealer from the East Midlands recommends generic cable, so that's what you now use.
Who said anything about copper being intelligent?! There are different qualities of copper available, and they have different electrical properties, in terms of resistance and impedance. Whether those differences are audible are system, location and possibly most importantly listener dependent and result in the kind of futile to and fro we're now engaged in. Some may even just like the look of a certain cable and who's to say they are wrong to spend their money on that basis? Somewhat absurd, but true.
yes, i value said hifi dealers opinion, and have bought some speaker cable from him, on his reccomendation, and i'm very happy with it..
sure, it's silly declaring a person is wrong becauses he/she likes something, whatever that something may be..
as regards mains cables, i've never tried an aftermarket one, because for me, the relationship between copper and electricity is the same now as it's always been..
I.e. you know nothing about it?
i don't think that what i know or don't know, or what you know or dont know, has anything to do with the relationship between copper and electricity..
do you?