Which way to go? - upgrade advice


New member
Sep 25, 2016
After a good few years of inactivity I have recently purchased a pro-next debut carbon tt. I already had a maranta cd6003 and kef iQ5 floorstanders plus a marantz pm40se amp. In the last few days the amp appears to have lost its left channel, making it an obvious candidate for an upgrade. But I have no idea where to start and not sure whether my budget of £500 will provide any significant improvement. Advice gratefully received
Kubla said:
After a good few years of inactivity I have recently purchased a pro-next debut carbon tt. I already had a maranta cd6003 and kef iQ5 floorstanders plus a marantz pm40se amp. In the last few days the amp appears to have lost its left channel, making it an obvious candidate for an upgrade. But I have no idea where to start and not sure whether my budget of £500 will provide any significant improvement. Advice gratefully received

Well it would seem obvious you have to replace that amp.Perhaps those speakers could go to. I had a pair once and they were a big mistake, couldn't get them set Properly anywhere.
Any electronic replair shops near you. It might be cost effective to have it repaired, could simply be a fuse or a small resitor?

If I could get it fixed I would, I'd then listen to all my sources for a while and see if anything was lacking that I thought could be better. It might be a more informed upgrade path. Of course if its not repairable, or indeed you have no way to see if repair is possible you'll have to immediately replace the amp

Edit- I read this wrong, thought it was the newer PM6003 amp (which may have been worth repairing, the older pm40 probably is not) Disregard my previous babble
Thanks for all the useful suggestions, i'll definitely try out the Arcam. Just one thing, some others I have spoken to have suggested the Cambridge Audio CXA60, is that worth a try too given it more comfortably sits within my budget?
Kubla said:
Thanks for all the useful suggestions, i'll definitely try out the Arcam. Just one thing, some others I have spoken to have suggested the Cambridge Audio CXA60, is that worth a try too given it more comfortably sits within my budget?

Well you should audition it anyway. I didn't particularly like it, but I don't fancy CA gear to begin with (the exception being the CXN, which is VERY good imo). But you might, so why not try it? Nowhere as good as the A19 for my tastes, though.


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