Make sure you put the straight plug on the output side. When the sound leaves the jack socket it's like a car accelerating from rest, its urge is to go in a straight line, you don't see them starting a formula 1 race on a bend. If you use the L-shaped connector, some of the sound escapes before it turns the bend. This has less of an impact at the receiving end for the same reason that a car can easily park on a bend.Bradley747 said:ill go with Chris' suggestion of L and straight for the best of both worlds
Thanks all and merry xmas ;-)
Covenanter said:I guess you could put a straight one at one end of the cable and an l-shaped one at the other and get the best of both worlds.
PS Have a dropped thorugh into an alternate reality?
Twas brillig and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimbal in the wabes
All mimsy were the borogoves
And the mome raths outgrabe
ChrisIRL said:Have a look back through many other "serious" threads. Could you really blame the OP for asking, I mean really.
Bradley747 said:ts a shame that the search function for older posts doesnt help either as the amount of repetition is staggering!
MajorFubar said:"will my speakers sound better if I move them further out/further back/will they sound better with this new speaker wire I've bought"