Which Mp3 Player Can Play WMA Lossless??

From wikipedia

Hardware support for the codec is available on the Bang & Olufsen Serenata [39], Sony Walkman NWZ-A and NWZ-S series, Zune 4, 8, 80 and 30 (with firmware version 2.2 or later),Xbox 360,[28] Windows Mobile-powered devices with Windows Media Player 10 Mobile,[29] Toshiba Gigabeat S and V models, the Meizu M3, and Best Buy's Insignia NS-DV, Pilot, and Sport music players

Though I believe that some of these players don't actually play it natively, but get their PC transfer software to convert it during transfer, though I am not positive about this since I havn't researched it enough.
According to wikipedia: "Hardware support for the codec is available on the Bang & Olufsen Serenata [39], Sony Walkman NWZ-A and NWZ-S series, Zune 4, 8, 80 and 30 (with firmware version 2.2 or later),Xbox 360,[28] Windows Mobile-powered devices with Windows Media Player 10 Mobile,[29] Toshiba Gigabeat S and V models, the Meizu M3, and Best Buy's Insignia NS-DV, Pilot, and Sport music players."Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Media_Audio for more info.
[quote user="Solomon1"]According to wikipedia:
"Hardware support for the codec is available on the Bang & Olufsen Serenata [39], Sony Walkman NWZ-A and NWZ-S series, Zune 4, 8, 80 and 30 (with firmware version 2.2 or later),Xbox 360,[28] Windows Mobile-powered devices with Windows Media Player 10 Mobile,[29] Toshiba Gigabeat S and V models, the Meizu M3, and Best Buy's Insignia NS-DV, Pilot, and Sport music players."
Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Media_Audio for more info.


Spooky coincidence


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