Which iPad2??


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Hi Guys,

I can get an iPad2 on my existing Business Phone Contract and have the choice of all three...the 16GB is Free, the 32GB is £41.66 and the 64GB is £83.33. Not sure which one I would be best to go for.

It will be used mainly for working when out of the office....via a web based database, email, web browsing etc. But will also be used considerably at home for web browsing and adding some music to itune for when I am out and about.

It will also be used as the main controller for a SONOS system I am putting together at home with a NAS using itunes and Spotify.

Is there realistically any point going for the 64GB option...bearing as most stuff is web based I use and any files will be saved back to the laptop in the office?

Any advice would be welcomed :)

Lee H

New member
Oct 7, 2010
Personally speaking, no. I have the bigger iPhone (32GB) but the smaller iPad (16GB).

Frank Harvey

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2008
You really won't need 64g unles you're planning on downloading every app you can find, or storing a lot of music on it. I bought the 64g, and I've used less than 15g, and that's with about 10g of music on it that I don't really need as it's on my phone as well!

Clare Newsome

New member
Jun 4, 2007
If you're sticking to iTunes downloaded music and then - as you mention - streamed content, you should be fine with the 16GB iPad.

Personally i'm damn glad i've got the 64GB version - houses vasts amounts of lossless music plus a small library of movies/TV shows to watch on my travels. Remember that decent-quality video can take @1GB of space for each hour of running time.

Andy Clough

New member
Apr 27, 2004
I've got the 32GB one and it's amazing how quickly it's filling up. But then, like Clare, a lot of my iTunes music is in Apple Lossless.

Lee H

New member
Oct 7, 2010
Andy Clough said:
I've got the 32GB one and it's amazing how quickly it's filling up. But then, like Clare, a lot of my iTunes music is in Apple Lossless.

That's why I went for the bigger phone, as that's my portable music device. MyiPad is more of a sofa-surfer.
Personally, I think 32GB is the safest option. I don't have many songs, but have many pics. I've already filled up 20GB of my 32GB iPad 2.

Considering that iPad memory is non-expandable, I would recommend a 32GB.

64GB is a bit of an overkill.


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Cheers guys,

It seems like the logical option would be the 32GB iPad. My music is Apple Lossless, but I would only but probably 30 or so albums on there for listening on the go...and these would just be changed as and when I want a change. I dont plan on watching HD movies on it so that's not so much of an issue. As far as apps go it would probably be a few games and then the main apps for things like news, sports, few business apps, spotify etc.

As I said it will mainly be used for Controlling Sonos at home and web browsing and then when I am out and about for business for accessing a web based database and emails. I seriously think the 16GB would be fine, but wouldnt hurt playing it safe and getting the 32GB one for £44.00 just to be sure.

Cheers guys.

What apps would people recommend as usefull?


New member
Jun 11, 2008
Hi, which network is this on? I was thinking of buying an iPad but if I could add one to my existing iPhone business contract that would be perfect. Cheers!


New member
Mar 20, 2008
paulyboy233 said:
Does it matter what size memory your iPad has, as we'll all be using iCloud soon!
Yeah that'll work on a plane, on the underground, in a tunnel etc etc.


If you are not looking to use a 3g network to use and browse the internet with then I suggest that you just stay with the wifi version and save yourself the cash.

I mean, the 3g network really comes handy at times but if you are looking to stay on plces with a stable internet connection, then I find them of no significant use.


hammill said:
paulyboy233 said:
Does it matter what size memory your iPad has, as we'll all be using iCloud soon!
Yeah that'll work on a plane, on the underground, in a tunnel etc etc.

I spoke to a guy in an Apple store today and he told me once iCloud launches he can't see many people buying anything other than the 16GB. Just shows how important research is and how useful forums are. I was ready to buy a 64GB with 3g but realised as I'm on the All You Can Eat Data allowance with 3 I can tether my smartphone for Wifi. If my phone won't pick up the 3g signal a sim in the ipad won't either.

And if I'm on a plane, or on the underground etc 16GB is plenty for the length of time I'm unable to connect to the iCloud.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
Bear in mind that the extra 50GB - of iCloud space - will cost you $100 per year. (Probably £100 per year in the UK.)

Given that most iPad users will upgrade every year/launch, then that kind of sum will be insignificant compared to the sheer "notice me" factor of being able to shout ... "I just lost the cloud!" ... in a public place whilst waggling their iPads around in a fashion reminiscent of indoor TV aerial users trying to get a signal.


New member
Mar 20, 2008
chebby said:
Bear in mind that the extra 50GB - of iCloud space - will cost you $100 per year. (Probably £100 per year in the UK.)

Given that most iPad users will upgrade every year/launch, then that kind of sum will be insignificant compared to the sheer "notice me" factor of being able to shout ... "I just lost the cloud!" ... in a public place whilst waggling their iPads around in a fashion reminiscent of indoor TV aerial users trying to get a signal.
Indeed. As this BBC survey shows http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-14574816 3g coverage is still quite ropey.

John Duncan

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2008
I wouldn't fancy storing movies on iCloud (though i dunno how it works yet, obv), so i'd go for the 32gig, and would miss out 3g because i can thether to my iphone. Ooo look, i already did...


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Cheers guys...lots of interesting advice and points raised there.

In honesty I am a simple guy with simple needs :) I dont have unlimited data on my phone so wont be tethering my phone to the iPAd. I also doubt I will use "The Cloud" when it is launched. It is just literally for browsing the internet at home and whilst out and about and then access to my online database and emails for work. It will also be used to atore some apple lossless music on in iTunes and predominantly as a controller for a sonos system and Spotify.

Therefore on that basis I have decided that the 32GB WiFi and 3g iPad is the way to go.....unless I just decide to say What The Hell and pay a little bit extra (£40.00) for the 64GB just to be on the safe side :)


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Just an update regarding my post here.

After careful thought and deliberation I decided to opt for the 64Gb iPad. it arrived today and in fact I am posting using it at this very minute :)

opted for the largest one possible as my music in tunes is all apple lossless (so quite large files) and I also plan on trying to download a few films for watching whilst out and about. I do also intend to use a couple of apps that can store lots of information (such as workout logs and planners)....better to be on the safe side rather than sorry and struggling for space. I also assume that Spotify Premium save music you want to listen to off line on the actual device

Initial impressions are brilliant......easy to use and navigate around. The screen is bright, clear and easy to read......can't wait to try out a film on the screen.

Once again thanks for all the help and advice guys.....next I'll be after recommendations for good apps :)


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Im with Vodafone.....however the prices are for existing business customers only......not new customers. I must say £85.00 for a 64gb iPad with 3G and WiFi is pretty dam good......and so far I am well chuffed with it :)


I also opted for the 64gb in the end and was very glad I did. I always buy Blurays with the Digital Copy if available so already have 12 films loaded as well as 10gb of music. With my offline Spotify playlists its already nearly full. I didn't get 3g and tether it to my Desire HD on an All You Can Eat Data plan from 3. Have to keep my phone plugged in at work though because my Desire didn't need any more reasons to drain the battery. I've downloaded Numbers, Pages, Keynote, Daily Notes and Dropbox for all my work needs and use it for Kindle, Spotify, Zinio (What HiFi) on a daily basis plus all my media apps such as Sky Go, I Player and Catch Up TV when away. I invested in Apple TV and use the Remote App to control it.

Quite possibly it has been my gratest purchase to date - one that I use every single day. My laptop is practically redundant now.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
thebear29uk said:
I also opted for the 64gb in the end and was very glad I did. I always buy Blurays with the Digital Copy if available so already have 12 films loaded as well as 10gb of music. With my offline Spotify playlists its already nearly full. I didn't get 3g and tether it to my Desire HD on an All You Can Eat Data plan from 3. Have to keep my phone plugged in at work though because my Desire didn't need any more reasons to drain the battery. I've downloaded Numbers, Pages, Keynote, Daily Notes and Dropbox for all my work needs and use it for Kindle, Spotify, Zinio (What HiFi) on a daily basis plus all my media apps such as Sky Go, I Player and Catch Up TV when away. I invested in Apple TV and use the Remote App to control it.

Quite possibly it has been my gratest purchase to date - one that I use every single day. My laptop is practically redundant now.

And some said it would never catch on :) I only have the 16bg version (it was a present so can't complain) and don't have a massive amount of stuff on it. It just means I have to swap stuff around more often. I use mine nearly every day for work stuff as well an find it very useful indeed.

You post does highlight the one issue I have with the Ipad in the fact you cannot add to the memory with expansion cards which would have made this device almost perfect. I suppose the general argument would have been "just buy the 64gb version" but you've already demonstrated that even that will not be big enough pretty soon.


This whole storeage thing is exactly the reason that many of us have resisted the apple bandwagon for so long. Why can't they fit a USB port to allow you more storeage? I know the obvious answer is profit. The thread above illustrates the Apple model perfectly i.e I really only need 16Gb but maybe 32 would be safer, oh what the hell i'll buy 64!!!
By the way I am not being pompous I have just bought a 64GB IPAD2 (probaly only needed 16gb) :roll:


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